My body shakes in a explosion of orgasm. Mr. Peak lies on top of me and grinds his thick manhood all the way inside my body. There is no better feeling in the world than having this hulking man against my body.

After a good ten minutes of spooning, we get up, walk into his personal office bathroom and relax in the jacuzzi. As we cuddle, Mr. Peak checks the messages on his phone. I walk out of the jacuzzi and decide to check my messages as well. I find an e-mail from Juliette, my new modeling agent.

“Big Shindig Tonight!” reads the e-mail’s headline. I click on the e-mail and find myself invited to this hot party over in Chelsea. “Lots of people are asking about you. This will be your first big night as a Juliette Model! Please confirm, with me, that you will be there so we can arrange the proper publicity for you,” the e-mail reads.

I jump up and down and run back into the jacuzzi. Mr. Peak is lying back like a true master of the universe, checking the financial news while his massive chest heaves. “Sir! I’ve been invited to a huge party in Chelsea,” I tell my boss.

“Is this your first time hearing about the party?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t you find it a bit weird that you are invited to such a big party at such a short moment’s notice?” my boss asks me.

All of a sudden, my youthful glee turns into some serious introspection. Yes, this does seem like short notice. After hearing about the kidnapping threat. The warning flags fire through my head. I re-read the e-mail:

“Lots of people are asking about you.”

I re-read the last line of the e-mail:

“Please confirm, with me, that you will be there so we can arrange the proper publicity for you.”

“Juliette wants me to confirm that I will be at the party,” I tell my boss.

“So the potential kidnappers will know exactly where you are,” Mr. Peak states as he finishes my thought.

I climb back into the jacuzzi and into the arms of my boss - my lover and my protector.

Mr. Peak grabs my phone and reads the e-mail. He gives me back the phone and orders, “Tell Juliette that you will be there tonight. I will have a security team shadow your movements. There is no way the kidnappers be able to leave the club with you in tow.”

Wow. My boss’s confident declaration makes me feel so much better.

“However, in order for you to draw out the enemy, the team will have to hang back just far enough to make you appear vulnerable,” Mr. Peak says. Great. Now, my body begins to tighten up again.

Mr. Peak grabs my phone again and looks at it. “You will stay in constant contact with me via phone. I want you to send me a message every ten minutes. If you send no message, then I will know that you are in trouble. If you need the security team to sweep in, right away just type in, “XXX” on your instant message and send it.”

My boss wraps me in his muscular arms and holds me tight to his chest. “I would never allow you to do this if I did not think you were capable,” Mr. Peak whispers into my ears. He kisses me on the neck. I would do anything for this man. I would kill for him. I would die for him.


We get back to Mr. Peak’s townhouse in the early afternoon. Four very scary looking men are standing in the reception area of my boss’s residence. I am introduced to them by my boss as “the wolves.” They are ex-Special Forces soldiers under retainer by Mr. Peak. They will be my shadow at the party this evening.

The “wolves” take their leave. Mr. Peak escorts me up the elevator to his master suite. He holds me close. We don’t say much. We know that this night is unlike any other evening since my “employment” with my master. Our enemy is unseen. We are the ones on the defensive.

I strip off my clothes and walk nak**ed into a closet filled with dresses that only existed in my dreams. “Find something that will allow you maximum movement,” my boss implores. I stare at a black Prada dress with a short flowing skirt. The spaghetti straps should keep my arms rather agile. I slip the dress on and begin to look for shoes.

I find a cute pair of Jimmy Choo black boots. I look at the spike like heel in the back. Those are two nice weapons at my disposal. Yeah, these will work. I walk over to the vanity desk to apply my make-up. I like to think I’m putting on my war paint.

Mr. Peak walks out into the master suite balcony. The sun begins to slip below Central Park. The natural light gives way to an ominous darkness in the townhome. I do my hair. I go for a simple hairstyle. Nice and straight.

Now comes the fingernails. I open up the black leather case and stare at the clever weapons. I apply the nails as my heart races. This is really happening. I am going to walk into certain danger with nothing more than the improvised weapons on my body.