Alright, now I am excited. Liam isn’t just some Hollywood power player. This guy owns a big chunk of show business.

Liam sits back knowing that I have that light in my eyes. You know, the light that aspiring actors and actresses have when they first come to LA. I admit, I thought about getting into show business back when I was a teenager. But that was just a fool’s fantasy. Now, one of the most powerful guys in show business wants to work with me. This is all just too insane.

The billionaire media mogul looks over at Mr. Peak. “Before I make any proposals, I have to be as**sured that Mr. Peak won’t strangle me like a chicken,” the billionaire says.

Mr. Peak erupts in laughter. “I am never going to live that down.”

“Trust me. There are many people who would have loved to have manhandled that director. Sadly, in my business, we have to tolerate the talented. Even if they have awful manners,” the media mogul explains.

“My boss is like a German Shepherd. He is well-behaved. Yet, he knows when to attack,” I say proudly. Mr. Peak doesn’t react to my remark. He continues to review the wine menu.

Liam takes a sip of ice water before he launches into his pitch. “You seem to be very comfortable in front of a camera. Have you had any formal training?”

“No. Though I wouldn’t mind being in a movie.”

“Of course, who wouldn’t. I do think that there is some project that could fit your personality.” I look over at my boss. Though he is not paying attention with his eyes, I am sure that Mr. Peak is listening to every single word spoken at the table.

“Mr. Peak will have to approve any proposal made. After all, anything I do in public will bring attention to my boss’s business,” I explain.

“You have a smart girl,” Liam says to Mr. Peak. My boss puts his menu down and looks at me for a moment.

“Sarah can surprise you. Sometimes she gets out of line. Though, I have discovered various ways to bring her back into line,” Mr. Peak remarks as I feel his hand run up my leg.

I look at Liam as I slowly open my legs for my master. “Mr. Peak has trained me well. That means I am well disciplined,” I explain as my face begins to blush.

Liam has no idea what is going on. He continues to talk to me about various opportunities at his portfolio of cable networks. “I can start you off with something simple like a guest starring spot on one of our hour long dramas. From there, we can develop a show around your talents,” the media mogul explains as Mr. Peak runs his fingers up against my panties.

I begin to pant lightly as my boss rubs me under the table. I grab one of the napkins and hold it up to my face as I moan slightly.

“You seem to be excited with my proposal,” the media mogul proclaims.

“This is turning out to be one hell of a night,” I say breathlessly as Mr. Peak rubs me faster and faster. I take a drink of ice water and grab the table. Oh my God. I am going to f**king cum right here in the middle of the restaurant.

“Oh f**k,” I say as I look at Mr. Peak.

“Are you okay, Sarah?” Liam asks me.

Oh yeah, I’m fine as I look down and slam my hands on the table. A couple of people turn their heads and look in our direction. I don’t give a f**k right now. Mr. Peak is rubbing me out like there’s no tomorrow!

I look at Liam. He suddenly realizes what is going on. He begins to blush. Then he smiles and says, “Well then. It was a pleasure meeting you, Sarah. We will be in touch. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.”

“Thank you, Liam,” I say as I grab a napkin and try to muzzle my orgasm.

My body stiffens up and then relaxes. I slide down on the chair and place my hands down by my side. The waiter arrives with a bottle of wine. Mr. Peak takes his glass and offers up a toast. “To the evening,” my boss says.

With whatever little energy I have left, I lift up my glass and join in the toast. “To an evening that couldn’t start out better.”

We toast. We drink. Indeed, this is already a hell of an evening.


Mr. Peak and I enjoy a nice long dinner with more than our share of the restaurant’s inventory of Chateau Latour Pauillac. We walk out of the establishment waiting for Mr. Peak’s Rolls-Royce when a couple of teenage girls stroll up to us.

“Oh my God! I thought it was you,” one of the teenage girls says to me. I have no idea what she means by that so I don’t say anything. All of a sudden, one of the other teenage girls opens her purse and pulls out her iPhone. “Can we take a photo with you?”

I can’t believe this. These are my fans. “Sure,” I tell the girl as I pose for a photo with the teens. It suddenly hits me that I am really becoming a celebrity. The girls take several photos with me. Then they begin to gush about my interview on CNN earlier that afternoon. “I just love the way you f**ked up that anchor. You made her walk off her own show!” one of the teens says excitedly.