"I don't think I'm being paranoid," I tell her.

"That's what a paranoid person would say."

"Explain it to me, Vee. He came in with a dirty gun, said he'd get killed if he told me who sent him. Who else could it have been?"

"You know they're not the only family that doesn't like us, right? We have enemies coming from every direction."

"Which is all the more concerning. Who's to say they're not aligning to take us out? We're going to have to make a power move if we want to maintain control."

"And what do you suggest?"

"You're the PR specialist, isn't this your thing?"

Ivy laughs. "A suggestion or nudge in the right direction wouldn't be the worst."

"I think we need to reach out to Johnny Jones. He and his wife have a huge sector. If we could align with them, we'd have more territory. A stronger footing." I pause and then add, "They have connections out West, too. And if I'm not mistaken, I might know a guy."

"Are you listening to yourself? You might know a guy? Really?

I shrug even though she can't see me. "What's the worst that could happen, they decline? We need to do something, or they're going to overpower and push us out."

"I'll have to discuss details with August. He has the final say in these things."

"I think you're underestimating how much control over him you have. August would do anything you said."

"Anything other than listen to me."

"It's worth a shot. I'd hate to see us lose everything we've all sacrificed so much to build."

"It's not going anywhere."

I lean back in my chair, my sights still on the bathroom door.

"What's going on with you and that girl? Is she still there? Will you be at the family dinner?"

"Nothing is going on between us. Yes, she's still here, for another few weeks. You'll have to remind me about dinner."

"Sunday at noon. Promise me you won't fight with Seven."

"I can't make that promise," I tell her, especially with London on the line. He overstepped by getting aggressive with her, and that's something I refuse to allow to happen again. "How about this? I promise not to kill him. Everything else is on the table."

Even through the phone, I can tell that Ivy rolls her eyes and switches ears. "You're the worst, Arch…but who am I kidding, I want to punch Seven in the face from time to time, too."

"I don't know how you don't. I would have consumed him in the womb if I were you."

Ivy grins so much I can hear it in her voice. "You have no idea how many times I've considered it. That man, well, that fucking child, he drives me insane. I'm sick of cleaning up his messes. It's getting out of hand, and I'm at the point I don't know how to help him. He needs professional help but he refuses to talk to anyone. He just wants to push me away, and all I'm trying to do is be there for him."

"Maybe he needs you to be there for him in a different way." But once the words are out of my mouth, I come to terms with the fact that Seven really is unwell in the head. He lacks remorse and empathy and any consideration for his own, or anyone else’s, safety. If he weren't family, I'd have nothing to do with him. He's too much of a loose cannon.

"I don't know what else to do, Arch. I've tried everything. I'm at a loss."

I sense the shift in her tone, the seriousness of everything she's said and hasn't said. I just wish there was something Icould do to help her, to help him, but at this point, I think Seven might be a lost cause. The trauma he's experienced molded him into who he is, there's no denying that, but I think things go deeper than trauma and more into who he is as a person fundamentally.

"Anyway," she says before letting me get a word in. "What's going on with you? Tell me more about this girl. How long did you say she’s crashing at your place?"

"She has a name, you know."

Ivy sighs. "That doesn't answer my question."