“For sure, we just have to remember to text outside of the group chat,” Abby says, and we all stand as Luna walks up to us.
“I have to head back to the bed-and-breakfast since we have a few people checking in. Text me later,” she says, and I’m proud of how much she’s come out of her shell around us.
“Perfect! Have a great rest of your day, and thanks for coming.” I pull her in for a hug.
After everyone leaves and Luke is getting the animals in the car, I walk toward the newest section of the farm. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and smile when I see it further along than it was before.
I still get a tingle of anxiety that I fight when I come into this section, but it’s better every day.
“Am! Where did you go? I have the animals ready,” Luke yells for me.
“I’m coming!” I yell back as I close the door.
I am enough.
“Not yet, you aren’t, but you will be as soon as we get home,” he says, walking toward me.
I snort. “Whatever you say, babe,” I tell him and pat his chest as I walk by.
He comes up behind me and scoops me up.
I laugh and look at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetness. It’s time to go home.”
That word has so much more meaning now.
As he carries me to my car, I realize how lucky I am that I’m able to move forward from what happened. Some days are harder than others, but I’m loved, and I have my friends, who have become family, and a boyfriend who loves me for who I am.
Now to see if we can pull off an epic Christmas and birthday party for Luna. She has no idea what she’s in for . . .
Asmile takes over my face as I look around The Bar and see most of the town here for Luna’s birthday.
While there are some pains about living in a small town as a big-city girl, the one thing that doesn’t bother me is the fact that everyone shows up for even the smallest celebration. The whole town also showed up for Christmas, and everyone decorated their houses and businesses, and we threw the biggest Christmas party this town has ever seen.
I look around the table and smile as everyone talks about what’s happening around town. I scan the room because I haven’t seen Luna since she excused herself to the bathroom.
Looping his arm around me to pull me closer, Luke leans down and asks, “You okay, sweetness?”
I shiver when he nuzzles against my ear, and I turn to look at him. “Yeah, I’m just looking for Luna. I feel like she’s been gone for longer than she should be.”
Across from us, Sam is talking to Noah.
I lean over to Pam and whisper, “Do you think Noah will take the leap and ask Luna out? I swear this is the longest he’d has gone without being right next to her since we got here.”
“I’ll kick him in the balls if he doesn’t. I know he’s going slow because she’s so inexperienced, but by the time he gets the nerve to do it, we’ll be at least eighty.”
“I know, it’s killing me not to tell Luke, but I get why she doesn’t want me to because he would tell Noah, and she needs to be the one to do that.”
“Who needs to tell who what?” Sam asks from across the table as Noah walks away with his phone to his ear.