When I open my eyes, tears are welling in hers.
“No tears. I’m fine,” I tell her and adjust the bed to a sitting position.
“You can’t tell me not to cry! I knew something was wrong, and I’m sorry I didn’t figure it out sooner. I think Noah is on his way to get your official statement, so I won’t make you tell me now. But I’m glad you didn’t die. You know I wouldn’t have let you rest in peace, and I know how much you like to rest, so you wouldn’t have been happy if I had to do that.”
I chuckle at the thought. “I’m fine. Although I’m already over this cast,” I tell her as I lift my arm. “I can’t get comfortable.” Something catches my eye on the cast, and I can’t stop the snort that comes out with a cough close behind it. “Did you and Sam do that?” I say, pointing to the penis with the words You a Ho next to it.
“It must have been Sam. I would have never done that,” she says as the corner of her mouth turns up into a smile.
“Knock, knock.”
We both look to see Noah and Luke standing at the door.
“Sorry to barge in, I know you’re tired, but I need to see if you can tell us what happened if you feel up to it. Before visiting hours are over,” Noah asks.
I look at Pam because I can feel her staring at me. She tilts her head, asking me if I’m okay with it. I shake my head slightly and shrug, letting her know I couldn’t care less when it happens. She narrows her eyes like she thinks I’m lying, and I smirk.
“Why do I feel like we’re missing something?” Noah asks Luke.
“Sam says they have silent conversations . . . I’m guessing that must be what we’re witnessing.”
“They aren’t twins, right?”
“No, we’re not,” we say at the same time and laugh.
I slide over as Pam sits in the bed next to me, and Luke takes my hand as best as he can with the cast on.
“I’m really glad you’re okay, Am,” Noah says as he runs a hand through his hair. “You had us worried for a minute. Can you tell us what happened?”
I take a deep breath and close my eyes. While I napped, bits and pieces started to come back to me. I’m trying to figure out what was real and what I think I dreamed.
Leo’s wild look and Brian’s bloody body just lying there.With those two images, everything starts flooding back.
“I need to know. Are they alive?” I look at each of them, but I can’t read their expressions.
Noah speaks up first. “Leo didn’t make it, but Brian did. He won’t be able to talk himself out of this one.”
I have mixed feelings about hearing that news.
“Don’t you dare feel bad. Those fuckers are lucky Sam and Luke even helped them out of the building,” Pam says, and I look at Luke because I’m kind of shocked they helped him.
He just shrugs one shoulder. “Leo was awake. Legally, we had to. I just sent two guys in to grab Brian while I carried you out.”
“Makes sense. Well, you guys know I went to Farmer Joe and Ann’s house for dinner. As I was leaving, I got a couple of alerts back-to-back that the door for the new section was opening and closing. So I texted Pam to go let Penny out and feed the animals and that we would walk Penny when I got back.” I pause as I remember how scared I was, and Luke squeezes my fingers.
“Take your time, Am,” Noah says.
“I remember getting out of the car, leaning into the back seat, and putting my hoodie on. Then I went inside and checked the alarm and doors. The next thing I knew, I woke up to Leo looking at me. He had completely lost it, he said it was my fault he lost his job. He told me I could stop playing around and move back to DC with him. He admitted to being the one messing with the water at the farm. Then Brian showed up and told me the plan was that Leo was going to destroy my life, and he was going to come in and save me. That was his plan to win me over in his mind. Then they fought, and Leo shot him. After that, I played along, and when I saw an opening, I fought back. I was able to make it to the main section of the farm and push the panic button. He caught up to me and told me that if I wasn’t going to go back with him, I could burn with him.” I shiver at the thought of what happened next. “He dragged me back to the construction area and cuffed me to the chair. When he blocked the last door, I hit him with the chair and knocked him out. I started to panic because I didn’t know how to get out, but then I ran into the spare tank I had set up when the water levels were an issue. I climbed in, and that’s the last thing I can remember until I woke up.”
“That was smart climbing in there, baby. It wouldn’t have saved you from the smoke inhalation, but it would have protected you from the flames.”
I look at Luke and smile.
“He’s right. You did what you could. I wish we could have gotten to you sooner, but I’m glad you’re okay. I don’t want you to worry about it, but I’ll have this typed up and sent over to your insurance company for the claim. I think I heard Wayne say he won’t charge you for the labor for the repairs.”
I close my eyes, thinking about everything that still needs to be done because I hate paperwork, and this whole thing screams paperwork.
Knowing exactly what I’m thinking, Pam says, “Hey, Abby and I have already started the process with the paperwork, and Luna and Kristen have started cleaning what they can to take stock of everything to speed up the process. Don’t worry about anything just yet, we got your back.”