Page 2 of Burn With Me

While I’m proud of Leo’s career in the FBI, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s changed him and not for the better. Gone is the man I fell in love with, who was sweet, supportive, and fun. At some point, this controlling, angry person took over. I don’t even recognize him anymore. He only cares about one thing: moving up in the FBI as fast as possible.

I’m not happy in this relationship, but what upsets me the most is that it’s not a real partnership. To him, I’m a pawn to help grow his career.

Guilt and sadness overwhelm me as it sinks in that I’m just not happy anymore, not in my relationship or in this city. Leo and I have been together since our sophomore year of college, but he wants a trophy wife. I’m just not that person, never have been, and to be honest, I never want to be. But I’ve been playing a role for so long that I’ve forgotten that.

Wait, wait, wait—focus, Am. What did he just say?

Anger bubbles in my veins.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Normally, I’m cool as a cucumber, not letting much bother me. Which is a huge difference from when I was younger. I was short tempered and quick to start a fight, but with my schooling as a psychologist, I became someone who talks things out and wants to work together on a solution.

Now, though, my blood is starting to boil.

Leo has demonstrated that his career is more important than me, and the fact that he thinks I’ll unquestioningly follow him—because that’s what I’ve been doing—makes me disappointed in myself.

This has to be the end of our relationship. Not only is the city sucking the life out of me, but I’m in a loveless relationship because it’s comfortable, and he’s apparently only with me because it looks good for his career.

Something inside me snaps.

I ball my hands into fists at my sides. “Uh, excuse me. I don’t know when you started only thinking of me as a way to further your career, but you can’t just discredit my thoughts and feelings. Don’t be fucking thick, Leo, it’s not becoming, and it’s not going to change my feelings,” I say, crossing my arms.

I fight the tears threatening to fall as a weight is lifted off my shoulders as I say something I’ve felt for a long time. I’ve put his career and life above my own dreams. Maybe it’s time to change that.

Holy shit, is this happening right now?

My eyes widen and my breath catches when Leo grabs the baking sheet with the garlic bread and chucks it down the hall.

I take a deep breath to try and prepare for what might happen next because this is escalating further than any of our previous arguments.

My mind is racing to make some fast decisions because if this is what my future holds, I really don’t want it. Leo has been mentally and emotionally abusive, but he’s never lost his temper like this in front of me, and this outburst solidifies my decision. I will not let this turn into a physically abusive relationship. I should have never let it turn into the relationship it is now, but I can’t change the past. Moving forward is the only option.

So, I spin on my heel and start down the hall to the bedroom’s ensuite bathroom. Once inside, I slam the door closed and lock it. Sitting on the toilet, I shoot a quick text to Pam. She might live several hours from me, but I need my best friend right now.

Ideas start to race through my head.

Could I leave tonight?

The door handle jiggles, and Leo pounds on the door. “Open the fucking door, Amelia, and talk to me like an adult.”

“No, thank you,” I snap. “There is no talking at this point. You’re just going to demand what happens next. You won’t even let me talk.”

I stand up and look in the mirror, barely recognizing the woman staring back at me.

My thoughts are going a mile a minute. How quickly can I pack everything up? Is there some place I can go at the last minute tonight? Renting an Airbnb for a couple of weeks while I plan my next steps is probably where I should start. I don’t really have that much other than my clothes and my books, since Leo wouldn’t let me do any decorating.

Is this a rash decision? Yeah, maybe.

But the more I stand here, the more it feels right.

If my education has taught me anything, it’s that he’ll escalate, and while this is a hard and scary choice, it’s the right one. So, I square my shoulders and face the door with a lump forming in my throat as I reach out and grab the handle.

“Come on, sweetheart,” Leo says in a soft voice. “Let’s sit down for dinner and figure this out.”

I roll my eyes so hard I hope he feels it in his soul, and I rest my head on the door. “Leo, I love you, but I think we’ve grown apart, and it isn’t healthy to stay together anymore. We both want different things in our lives, and maybe we should take a step back and reevaluate?” I hold my breath because I have no idea how he’s going to react.

When I don’t hear him, I take a deep breath and slowly open the door, but I immediately regret that decision.