I don’t care what happens to them. All I know is that if anyone dares to hurt Rose, they’ll have me to answer to.
And I’ve never been known for my mercy.
Chapter four
The next day, a woman I’ve never seen before steps into my bedroom, Father behind her. She wheels in a large case, and Father hangs a garment bag in my closet.
The woman is beautiful, with straight brown hair and lips painted a deep red. A tight dress shows off her curves, and there’s something about the way she stands that draws my attention to her. Confidence, maybe? Or is it because of the way her gaze lingers on me, causing butterflies to take flight in my belly?
“What’s going on?” I ask. It’s sometime in the early evening, but no one got me for meals, and my stomach aches with hunger. “I’m sorry about last night.”
It’s the closest to asking for food that I’ll dare get to. Father’s anger from the garage still hasn’t faded. I can see it written all over his face and in the way he won’t even look at me.
“This is Amelia,” Father explains. “She’ll help prepare you for tonight.”
Father leaves without another word, shutting the door firmly behind him. He doesn’t lock it—not for me, though. For Amelia.
“Take off your clothes,” Amelia says boredly as she opens up her case.
Inside is an array of beauty products. Soaps, makeup, lotions. I’ve seen some of them in Marissa’s room before. I’m given the bare minimum to keep myself clean since Father never saw the point in giving me access to anything else.
“Did you hear me?” Amelia asks when I don’t move. “Clothes. Off. I need to know what I’m working with here.”
“In front of you?” That feels strange. Father told me never to undress for anyone, not that I ever interact with that many people.
“Yes, in front of me.” She snaps her fingers. “Quickly. We only have a few hours.”
Before I’m auctioned off.
Slowly, I pull my T-shirt over my head. Discomfort makes my stomach cramp, but I learned years ago that disobeying Father only ends in pain and withheld meals.
“Underwear and bra, too,” Amelia tells me, her voice thin with impatience. She’s laying things out on my desk. It feels so unlikely that they’re all for me.
I hesitate, but ultimately, I know I’ve got no choice.
Once I’m fully naked, Amelia glances at my body and sighs. “He should’ve called me days ago, that damn bastard. Well, I suppose you’re in luck. I can’t wax you if you’re going to have sex tonight. Can’t risk an infection.”
“W-what?” I squeak out, backing away. “Sex?”
I don’t know much about it, other than what Marissa has told me. When we were teens, she gave me the rundown of what she called “basic anatomy” and explained how sex is supposed to work. She said it was supposed to feel good, but when she was seventeen, I found her sobbing in her room after her first time. She said it hurt, and that there was blood. After that, fear mixed with my curiosity, and I didn’t know what to think about sex.
Amelia makes an exasperated noise. “You really don’t know what’s going on, do you?”
I shake my head.
She sighs. “All right. I’ll do my best to explain.” She has me sit on my desk chair and pulls up a stool she brought with her. “Men love virgins. Even more, they love sweet, innocent virgins. And you?” Her eyes travel up and down my body, making my blood heat in a way I know is forbidden. “Well, you fit the bill almost too well.”
I bite the inside of my cheek. Last night, when Father was explaining everything to Marissa, I felt like I was missing a piece of information. This must be it.
“Here, lean forward for me a bit, will you?” Amelia asks.
I do, watching as she picks up a pair of tweezers. When she gets them too close to my face, I jerk back.
“Hold still, Raina. I told you, I don’t have a lot of time.”
My body goes stiff, but I try to do as she says. I feel the cool metal against my eyebrow a second later, and then a sharp, stinging pain. “Ow!”