My entire body freezes over at her tone. Betrayal and hurt mixed with fear. When I finally force myself to look at her, she’s watching me like she doesn’t know who I am.
She doesn’t,my mind reminds me,and she’s never going to love you the way you need her to. Too much has happened.
“I don’t remember the first time my father lied to me,” Raina says. “Do you know why?”
“Because you were too young?”
She shakes her head. “Because I trusted him. Despite everything he did, I believed him when he told me it wasn’t safe outside the walls he built around me. And now look.” She throws her arms out. “There are no bears. No murderers.”
I nod, trying to follow but unsure what she’s getting at.
“I hate him for it, Erik.I hate him.For his lies, for keeping me away from everything I ever wanted. But you’re not like him. I know you’re not. So please… just please don’t do this.”
My heart stutters, but I get a hold on the panic seizing my chest. I can’t stand the way she’s looking at me with so much trepidation burning in her eyes. “What are you saying?”
“I don’t know what’s real, Erik. And you’re the only person I have who can help me figure it all out.”
“I know.” Taking her shoulders in my hands, I squeeze reassuringly. “That’s why I’m here. I’ll help you with—”
“No!” She shoves me away. “You can’t. Not like this.”
“Like what?”
“With you avoiding my questions! You did it last night, and you just did it again before you got out of the car. How am I supposed to trust you if I know you’re withholding things?”
My mouth goes dry. It’s a good question, but how am I supposed to explain to her that the truth is more horrifying than being kept in the dark?
“Tell me, Erik. For once in my life, I want to be treated like someone who can handle the truth instead of a cherry-picked version of it.”
But goddammit, she’s right. I told her I wouldn’t treat her the way Charles did, and I meant it. The history of my family and the Montgomerys has the power to rip mine and Raina’s fragile bond in half, but so does hiding it from her.
“Please,” she whispers.
“All right. I will. Let’s just get breakfast first.”
She starts to nod but then shakes her head. “Not—not until you answer my question.”
I can’t help my smile. She was so timid last night, but she’s already learning that she can demand anything from me, and I’ll give it to her. One day, she won’t hesitate at all.
Leaning in close so no one passing by can hear, I whisper, “I’ll always choose you, little rose. The moment he gets too close to you, he’s a dead man. But if you don’t want me to kill him—”
She throws her arms around me. “Thank you.”
I’m stunned into silence, grabbing on to her when the sudden shift in her weight makes her slip on the slush. This is the exact opposite reaction I thought she’d have. But can I really be surprised that she’d want Charles dead?
She buries her face in my neck. “Say it again.”
“I’ll kill him for you. I’ll kill as many men as I need to in order to keep you safe.”
Raina pulls away, and her eyes drop to my lips. Her cheeks are flushed, but that might be from the cold. Still, my hands tighten on her waist. I’ve dreamed of kissing her for years. Over a decade. If she keeps looking at me like that, I’m going to lose control and push things faster than I should.
Whatever there is between us—ifthere actually is something—it happens at her pace, not mine.