The sincerity in his eyes tugs at my heartstrings. I meant what I said—I want to believe him. But what if that’s a mistake?
“How about this,” he says. “From now on, I won’t come into your room unless you tell me that I can.”
“You’d do that?”
He nods. “We can even put a lock on the door, and I’ll make sure you have the only key. Not to lock you in—I’d never do that—but so you can ensure that I’m not going behind your back.”
“I don’t need a lock,” I say softly. I want to trust him. Deep down, Idotrust him.
“All right. Well, the other part stands. I won’t step foot inside your room unless I have your explicit permission.”
“Thank you. Would it… be all right if I went to bed now?” I know Erik said I can do whatever I want, but it feels strange tonot ask for his permission. “It’s just that it’s getting late, and this evening has been so exhausting.”
“If that’s what you want, then of course.” He gets to his feet. “Is there anything else you need from me?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, then you know where to find me.”
As he turns to go, panic wraps a cold hand around my throat, and I grab onto his arm. There are so many unknowns. Too many.
He pivots back so he’s facing me. “Yes?”
“The other men at the auction,” I say slowly. “They wanted to…”
His expression darkens, so I don’t continue that thought.
“But you didn’t bid on me,” I say instead.
“But you took me anyway. Are you…” I swallow down my fear even though I think I know the answer. “Are you going to do what they would’ve done to me?”
He reaches up to touch my cheek before faltering halfway. “Do you think I will?”
I’m not sure how to continue, so I press my lips together. Ivan scared me, and the thought of ending up with a sadist made me want to cry. But this is Erik. I’ve loved him since I was a little girl. Wanted him.
It’d be different with you.
But should I say that? Does he want that—me? I don’t know how any of this is supposed to work.
“I will never hurt you, Raina. Your body, your heart… those are yours to do with as you please.” His hand twitches at his side before he shoves it into his pocket. “I’ll never force you to do something you don’t want to.”
“Thank you.”
He looks pained for a moment before stepping away. His eyes have barely left me since we left Father’s mansion, and now, it looks like he’s having trouble saying goodnight.
Would he think I was odd if I asked him to spend the night in here? Invasion of privacy aside, I’ve missed him. Watching him leave, even though he’ll be right next door, feels much worse than I thought it would.
But Erik moves toward the door, gripping it tight as he pauses at the threshold. “Goodnight, Raina. If you need anything—anything—please come get me.”
“I will. Goodnight.”
Erik leaves, shutting the door behind him, and I’m left with a sense of loss. For what could’ve been, maybe? He feels so much more distant than when he broke into my bedroom. Is it because he scared me? Because he upset me by looking through my things?