I nodded and assured her. “Yeah, we’ve got it locked down.”
“The demon’s not coming out, beautiful,” Xavier promised her.
She dropped her hands from her head and drew in a steadying breath. “Okay. Then, we’ll do this.”
Xavier burst in front of her and handed her the drink he’d made for her. “Snickertini. Spelled. It’ll take some of the edge off, help you relax.”
“Thank you,” she said, taking it from him, and he was very careful to make sure their fingers didn’t brush and shock her or set her off.
“Come, let’s sit down and get comfortable first,” I said, gesturing at the comfy chairs positioned around the fire pit. “And make some s’mores, of course.”
“Some of my favorites,” she said, actually smiling and brightening a little.
I smiled back at her, so happy we’d managed to get that from her. “Exactly.”
“We’re going to spend the night out here,” Orpheus told her.
He pointed at the sleeping bags set out under the stars.
She took them in and beamed out at us. “You even built me a pillow wall.”
“You won’t be alone, but we also won’t be crowding you,” Xavier said.
“And you won’t be cooped up inside,” I added.
“I love it. So much. Thank you.”
With that, we all settled and got the s’mores underway.
As we got closer to her telling us what had happened to her, I felt myself tensing.
A part of me didn’t want to know, because I knew I’d never be able to forget it.
Just like being shown my parents’ murder.
But I’d needed to see that, despite how much it had hurt.
And Alena needed to tell us about this now.
It was how we could be there for her, hopefully comfort her too.
I could keep my anger at bay for her, because she needed it.
Because she was trusting us.
And that was worth everything.
I woke up surrounded by warmth.
But the source wasn’t what I’d come to expect before everything had happened with that psychopath.
It wasn’t from my men being wrapped around me.
No, as I looked around, I found the covers not only tucked up to my chin over the sleeping bag, but a purple glow emanating from them.