“Of course, I like you, Landon.” I tug at him. “I'm not good at any of this. Flirting. Being affectionate. Or sweet and charming. That's whatyou'regood at.”
He peers down at his shoulder where I rest my chin.
“I'm learning from you, remember? And failing miserably.”
“Not failing.” One bulky arm wraps around my lower back as he melts a kiss into my hair. “I'm sorry for flirting with Bea. I didn't think you'd be so upset.”
“That's not why I went off. When you said I was the 'best you ever had,' I lost it. It's stupid, but I hate that you've been with women before me.”
His lips curl in one corner. “So, youwerejealous.”
I roll my eyes, but the words clog with emotion. “It sucks knowing you've experienced the same thing with other women, when you're the only one that's—”
Landon interrupts by grabbing my wrist and bringing my drumming pulse to his mouth, kissing it before leading my palm across the stubble of his cheek. “The same thing? This is nowhere near what I've had with anyone else.” He slides my hand down his neck, the firm square of one pec, and further south, swerving so his back digs into the counter edge and our hips slot together. “When I say you're special to me, it's not a line, Indi. I mean it.”
I don't know why my stupid brain can't accept it. “I want to believe you, but—”
His hand pushes mine down against his bare abs. Smooth, rounded, lickable abs. He stifles a content hum. “Believe this.” Landon pulls my hand over the hard bulge in his shorts. “It's like a rock.”
The thick shaft expands under the contact as my fingers accommodate its size.
His voice drops to a gravelly hush. “I walk around like this all fucking day. I can hardly get through it with the taste of your sweet fucking pussy on my tongue.”
My thong is fucking ruined at this point. I take a gulp, heartbeat wild and erratic, blood descending deep into my core. Leave it to Landon to switch from being sweet to dirty at a dizzying rate. It's dangerous how powerful he makes me feel. Rubbing him over the mesh jersey fabric of his shorts, I drink it in, eyes locking with his as he fights for control.
“You like the thought of making me so hard it hurts, Indi?” The hand on my lower back drops to the bottom hem of my dress. “If I reach between your legs, what will I find?”
“Only one way to know for sure.” I push his hand up to palm my ass, then slide from his hold, sinking to my knees. Yesterday I was unprepared. Today, I'm throwing caution to the wind. “Can I apologize first?”
I stare up through my lashes, cherishing the hand wrapping around my neck. Landon breathes out a ragged groan when I pull down the waistband to release his cock. It's bigger at eye level. Way bigger. Fear flashes in my gut.
“I wanted to kiss that mouth before I fed it my dick,” he laments. “But if this is what you want, it's yours.” The pad of one thumb caresses my parted lips. “You can take it.” It's a gentle encouragement, not a rough demand like before.
“You can take it.” Kleinmann said. I'd been stupid enough to think what we shared was love. “Spread your legs.”
“Don't you want to, like, touch me more?” I lay back on the dorm bed, pointing awkwardly to my lady parts.
“I didn't realize you were the sex expert here, Indi,” he said through a sneer, palming his condom-sheathed dick in his hand. “You're wet enough.” Russ neared, shifting on his knees.“Ready to take this big cock?”
I balled fists into my pillow, bracing for impact, but as we connected, he went soft. “Fuck. No. Damn it, Indi! What did you do?”
“Me?” I sat up. “I didn't do anything.”
“That's the whole fucking problem.” He tore off the condom and jostled his limp dick, stroking it back to life. “Make yourself useful and spit on it.” My mouth suddenly went as dry as the other place I was supposed to be wet. Russ groaned. “Fuck it.” He spat. “See? Not so hard.”Yeah, not-so-hard. Like your erection.“Wanna make it up to me? Suck me off.” He brought it closer to my lips.
“I've never done that.”
“I'll show you. Stick your tongue out.” So desperate for his approval, I listened. “Lick. Like a popsicle.” I did. “Yes,” he moaned. “Open that mouth wider or I won't fit.”I don't know. Looks like you'll fit fine.“Now suck.”
Before I got a chance to, he shoved it past my lips, taking full control. His hands palmed the back of my head as he sped up, harshly fucking my face without warning. “Fuck, yes. You like that? I bet you do, you little slut.”
I choked through every godawful thrust, tears of humiliation streaming down my cheeks. We never talked about degradation. “Take this dick. Take it like the dirty whore you are.” I gagged, my throat swelling around his tip. “Oh, fuck, I'm gonna come.”
He did, and I threw it up. On him. The salty liquid disgusted me as much as what he did.
“What the fuck, Indi? You're supposed to swallow.”
I wiped my mouth and scrambled to cover my naked body with a sheet. “You called me a slut. A dirty whore.”