Page 95 of Snap Shot

“Ofcourse, you do.”

“Come on, try it.”

One eye squints as she picks it up and inspects it. “Okay, here goes.” Her teeth sink into the burger, surprised by the cheese that flows from the middle. “Oh, myGod,” she moans. “This is so good.” Indi keeps humming and moaning through each bite.

“You better cut that out. You're making me hard.”

Her noises halt with a sputtering cough, fist knocking into her chest to clear the stuck food. Indi shakes her head and hand, trying to communicate but unable to respond.

“What's that? Yep, that's where I came.”

That earns me a slight shove, but she tilts her head toward me, bumping my knee with hers. The awe in her gaze makes my heart and stomach go all gooey.

I want Indi to look at me this way forever. Starry-eyed. Happy. Sated. And I want to be the reason for it.

Chapter 26: Tell Me to Stop


Every slice of myself I give to Landon is bigger than the last. I thought it'd make me weaker, smaller, but each one makes me feel more whole. More complete. More comfortable than I have been in this aspect of my life in, maybe ever.

And he manages to do it while donning those insufferable smirks and murmuring devilish words in my ear. Or inconspicuously flirting in public. Like now.

He lounges in one of my desk-facing chairs, manspreading and tapping his thigh to bring my focus to his schlong. Landon fixes his bright blue eyes on me, as if preparing to eat. Maybe eat me for lunch. No, no. It's too risky in the office. Focus, Davé. Focus.

Bea sits in the chair next to him, jotting down notes. Shegiggles and blushes when he throws charming smile after charming smile at her.Time to wrap this appointment up.

“Here.” I drop a brown file onto the side of the desk closest to him. “You need to review those statements and then sign the last page.”

Landon leans forward to grab the folder and winks at me when Bea's busy testing out her dying pen, scribbling, and tapping it manically on the corner of the page. He hands her a new pen from the holder on my desk before relaxing back and tipping his chin toward my assistant. “You like watching hockey, Behraz?”

Behraz? Since when are they on a first-name basis?

She straightens with a coy gasp. “Of course!” Even if she was playing cool, the excited rippling of her boobs would give her away.

“Yeah? I could hook you up with some tickets this season. Y'know, since you've been such agreathelp with this case.”

Bea beams in response. “It was nothing, I—” Her words halt, smitten smile disappearing when seeing my unamused expression. The blush on her cream-colored cheeks goes crimson.

“You, too. Ms.Davé.” Landon smirks back. “You can have the best seats in the house.”

He lifts his groin, pretending to adjust his position. His dick jumps up, like a captive dolphin breaching the water on cue for an audience. Unbelievable.

My eyes widen. I silently reply for him to cut it out while Bea fixates on removing a long black hair stuck on her pant leg.

His first two fingers create a subtle, sidewaysvacross his lips before that cruel pink tongue pokes out to lick the gap between them.

Stop, I mouth. But my thighs clench. He does it again.

I'm wet.


She jolts out of her daydream at the sudden rise in my voice.

“I could use some coffee. Mind going out to grab me one?”

Slowly getting to her feet, she sends a tentative glance between Landon and me. I slide open the drawer of my personal belongings and dig out a card, handing it to her over the desk.