It's my turn to blush. “We were told she's gonna be press this season and,uh…” I scratch under my ear. “I saw you at Persepolis with her.”
“You sawme?”
There are those pure, sincere eyes again.Fuck. Their innocence shouldn't rile me up, especially knowing they're not innocent at all.
I've always seen you, I want to say. “You two are close, eh? How'd you meet?”
She joins me on the same branch of the couch, folding her knees to the side to face me. “We roomed together at Waterloo. She played basketball for the women's team.”
“I don't think I knew that. She was an athlete?” One of my hands goes rogue and reaches out for her thigh. It glides up and down, a light and mindless touch.
“Yeah. Really good, too. But she didn't want to go pro and move too far away from her dad.”
I hum back.
“Who are you close with on the team?”
“Pretty much everyone. We're like family. We spend more time with each other than our own. It's crazy.” I pause. “Jaeger and I have been playing together the longest. He's my brother. Wade and Donovan are solid guys, too. We have our fights, but there's no way to avoid one another. It forces all of us to get along. It's a good time.”
Indi scoots closer. “Seems like it. I can't believe you guys have a game night.”
“You should see these dorks in action.”
“Dorks?” Her eyebrows pop up. “I wouldn't call the Regents' starters 'dorks.'“
“Then you'd be wrong.” I slouch and nuzzle against her arm stretching across the back of the couch. “I've never met a group of bigger nerds.”
“Take Sunday, for example. We used to have a poker night, but Donovan is too good and robs us blind, so we've banned it until the regular season. We played reverse charades. The wholeteam, except one, has to coordinate and act it out together so the remaining person can guess correctly.”
Eyes blinking up a storm, Indi shakes her head. “I have no idea what you're talking about but go on.”
I chuckle, recalling how we had to put Jaeg and Wade on different teams. Wade is still pissy about him and Skylar eloping.
“Jaeger is a broody, grumpy bastard and hates losing. One of the terms was synchronized swimming. He and every defenseman flitted and traipsed around like ballerinas, miming front and back strokes and flips and dives. It wasridiculous.”
Indi stifles a laugh.
“And Wade is a goof-off, but he can't stand losing either. He and Fletch were the most enthusiastic of the group trying to act out 'riding a carousel.' They madewhee!sounds, giddying up on fake horses as they rose and squatted. I almost pissed myself.”
Her teeth chew at her lip, making her shy smile lopsided. “That's actually really sweet, Landon.”
“You have a bond that goes beyond athleticism and machoism. It's sweet.”
My eyes dart between hers, in disbelief at how soft she is under all that snark and sharp wit. A blanket of warmth surges across my chest. I don't think anyone gets to see that side of her, at least not often. And I do. How lucky am I?
“Are you hitting on me, Davé?” I inch my mouth closer to hers, not caring that she won't meet me there. “I can be very,verysweet.”
Those eyes roll, a sassy smile peeking through. My dick has been on his best behavior so far, but I don't know how long that'll last with how close her lips are to my face.
“That reminds me, remember what I said about my idea?”
“Mmhmm.” Her arm is smooth against the bristles of my stubble. I kiss it because I can.
“Promise not to laugh?”