Page 81 of Snap Shot

“Can I go back to thinking about what your fingers did and where? It's all I can focus on right now.” Those ridiculous blue eyes travel to my hands and lower belly, then back up again.

“That'sallyou can focus on, eh?” I drop the notepad onto the desktop and grip the edge on either side of my hips.

Landon's face lights up with a shiny smile. “I bet I can do it better.”

I putter. “Doubt it. I've been doing this for ages.”

The intercom beeps twice. Landon kisses a spot above my knee before I propel myself upright and round the desk to answer.

“Hey, Bea.”

“Your five o'clock is here.”

“Take 'em to conference room A. I'll be there in a minute.” The line clicks off. I drop the receiver.

“So?” He rubs his hands together. “What's on the table? Other than your perfect ass.”

I shush him with a glare. “If you don't keep quiet, we're gonna get caught.”

As I gather files, he leaps up to wrap his hands around my waist, while somethingelsefirmer than his grip digs into my hip bone.

I gasp. “I,um” —I clear my throat— “I have another client meeting.”

Landon doesn't budge, keeping his hands and dick in their places against me. “ButI'myour client.”

“You're not myonlyclient, I'll have you know.” I shove him with the fist clasping the brown folders. “Now go away. I'm busy.”


The slotted time with Mrs. Garten snails on, despite it being her last meeting with us.

The setting sun leaves my office dark and shadowy. I flip the switch and jolt from the sight of Landon behind my desk. My hand rubs my chest to calm my skyrocketing pulse. “What thehell, Radek? You scared the life outta me.”

He swerves the chair back and forth, keeping his elbows on the desk and his hands fastened together.

“Were you here this whole time?”


“What on earth were you doing?”

“Imagining all the ways I could have you here.”

I ignore the chill that flits down my spine. “You're in my spot.”

“Okay, Sheldon Cooper. There's plenty of space.”

“Seriously, where am I supposed to sit?”

Landon traces the outline of his mouth, outlandish smirk stretching.

I can't sit there. That's his face.

The arrogant jerk laughs at my growing blush. “One day, Indi. But not tonight. Tonight, your seat is still empty.” His hips rise as he glances at his lap, clasping his head behind his neck.


“The smoothest.”