She releases him and skips over to Derrick, bending to whisper in his ear. They exchange quick kisses. “Have fun tonight, you guys. See you at home, my love.” Skylar blows a kiss and Wade blocks the recipient by standing in the way, swatting it with his hand.
Fletcher blows a sharp whistle using two fingers. “Pass interference!”
Jaeg tackles Wade to the floor, and they jostle about until Olsen and Szezce get there. More congratulations follow and when the team's all there, I pass out boxes of popcorn and set the TV up for the Batman movies. The Christian Bale ones.
It quiets my racing mind. For the time being.
Three days of agility training and I'm already sick of it. If I ever see a pylon or orange cone on AstroTurf again, it'll be too soon.So much for focusing on summer training. Indi has taken control of my brain. Is it so bad I want her to hold me again like that night in Whistler? Her rack pressed into my back, hands on my chest.
Unfortunately, ‘too soon’ is two days from now. To forget that awful fact, on rest day, I head to the gym to do deadlifts and squats, needing to loosen the tightness in my hips. There's no rest for the wicked, though. Halfway through my squat set, Indi's swaying ponytail shows up in the mirror's reflection behind me. I abandon the set, excusing myself from the confused trainer spotting me.
I jog up to her. “Indi!Hi.” Even sweaty she smells sweet.
She startles, missing the mouth of the bottle she fills with the water fountain stream. “Uh, hi.”
“Hadn't heard from you.” I wheeze. “How are you?”
“Good, yeah. Really busy” —she gives a polite smile to someone passing us and moves out of their path— “sorry. Working hard, being your lawyer.”
A single drop from the sip she takes slides down her chin, tracing the length of her throat and upper chest, only to disappear under her loose tank. It holds all of my focus.
“Did you get the emails from Bea? She was supposed to—”
I cut her off, motioning to a nook beyond the washrooms. “Have you thought about what I said?”
Indi pales, then reddens. “Listen…”
“Goddamn it.” My palm rubs one-half of my face. “You're on my mind a hundred times a day.”
A surprised gasp leaves her mouth. “Landon.”
It’s my new favorite sound. Her blush deepens and deepens and my heart rate peaks.
“I know you don'tlet people in.”
A disapproving grimace joins her disappointed headshaking as she rolls her eyes. “That's what makes this a challenge, huh? Howfun, right?”
Every accusation strikes like the snap of a whip.
“Not even close. I care about you.”
I told myself no women this season. Yet here I am, ready to drop to my knees, begging for a chance with Indira.
“I'm not like those idiots who hurt you before, okay? Let me prove it.”
A fleeting look of ache passes before she responds with another eye roll.
“I'm a nice guy, Indi.”
“Yeah?” she leans in, narrowing her glance. “Haven't you heard, ‘nice guys finish last?’”
Tongue darting out before my teeth tug at my lower lip, I stifle a teasing grin. My hand finds support on the wall. I drop my mouth down to the crest of her ear, and with it, my voice to a low murmur.
“That's because we let you come first.”
Indi's lips part, the desired effect making the blush on the apples of her cheeks permanent.