“What do you mean?”
It's too late for this conversation. Tongue heavy and thick with sleep, I lie. “Nothing. Let's go to sleep.”
“Okay.” She twists to turn off the lamp and returns to her position, tucking a hand under her head. “Goodnight.”
Neither of us sleep. We jostle and huff to get comfortable. She bends and straightens her legs. I wiggle my hips and tighten my grip around the pillow. Her breathing slows and mine follows. When I think she's asleep, I let myself drift off.
“Are we friends again, Landon?” Indi whispers.
“Mmm, I hope so. I'd like to be.”
She sighs through her nose. “We had fun as kids, eh?”
“Mmhmm.” I snuggle deeper into the pillow, searching for comfort, wishing it was her chest instead.
“Do you remember when I beat up Bryce?”
I choke out a series of groggy laughs. “Yeah.”
“He deserved it, the entitled shit.”
“Totally.” Fighting a losing battle with sleep isn't the right time to tell Indi how important she was to me. How important sheisto me. But my mouth has a mind of its own. “Remember when I told you my parents were getting divorced?”
She hesitates. “Yes.”
“You gave me your Nutella sandwich.”
It's pitch black, but I hear her smile, then smack a hand softly to her forehead.
“I'm terrible at comforting.” She makes a rumbly humming noise.
“No, you aren't. It was the best day during one of the worst weeks of my life.” My lids drop closed, unable to stay open. This is horrible timing.
I wait for her response. When she doesn't, I figure she's snoozing already. I tell her anyway.
“I like you, Indi. Always have.”
Chapter 18: Think About It
So many years have passed since it felt good to be near Landon Radek.
It's not hateful or tedious, forced by Giachetti, or because a huge promotion is on the line. Having the choice is empowering on its own. And choosing to move beyond the past is freeing.
I ease to the edge of sleep when he mumbles, “Remember when I told you my parents were getting divorced?”
Meeting at the bench was our thing.
Mrs. Radek swapped attending practices for night classes and Landon'ssister usually ran late picking him up. My Dad ran on IST.
Landon grumbled and threw his gear bag down before slumping onto the wooden slab.
“You sucked today, Radek.” I took a bite from the corner of my Nutella sandwich. “What's your deal?”