Page 50 of Snap Shot

On the drive back to Ottawa, I practice a conversation with Theresa. “I've been working too hard. I got Radek's side of the story, but I'm not on my A-game. Going straight from the Pearson case to this has been a lot.”

Hopefully, she'll understand and give me the week off. Hell, it's summer. If she says yes, I might fly across the country to get away from Landon before I have to see more of him.

Chapter 15: The Hard Way


Somewhere after mile two on the riverfront, the high-noon sun beats down with a fury. I yank my shirt over my head and tuck it into the back of my shorts. Between the alternating sprint workout Jaeg's got us doing and replaying how hurt Indi looked, I'm suffocating.

“Look sharp, Radek.” Wade huffs when I almost kick a rogue duck on the path. “These fartlickers are kicking your ass.”

Fletch putters through a laugh.

Jaeger decks Wade in the arm as we slow to a jogging pace. “It's Fartlek.”

“Unhand me, goon!” Wade shoves him away, getting ahead to face us. He keeps up with a backward run. “What's yourdeal? Something's off.”

“This girl's giving me such a hard time.”

“Hell yeah, she is!” The idiot holds up his hand, waiting for a high-five. I don't give it to him, instead shooting him a glare. “Wait, what girl?” Uh oh.

Fletcher raises one of his ginger eyebrows. “I thought you were avoiding women.”

Derrick snorts.

Wade rolls his eyes. “Not everyone has accepted permanent celibacy like you, Donovan.”

Fletcher charges at him for that one. Wade jukes, spinning and evading capture.

“I was. I am! I…just met her.” Good. Lie. That always helps.

“Where'd you meet her? You don't go anywhere,” Jaeger adds. “Thirty seconds at eighty percent.”


We dart forward, feet pounding against the asphalt, racing each other until the stopwatch beeps out. Our steps decelerate once more, giving us the chance to catch our breaths. Wade wins again, the little shit, but at least I beat Derrick.

I gloat. “That's what you get, old man.”

Wade crosses his hands over his groin. “Suck itttttt!”

My mind races to conjure up an excuse on the spot. “The gym,” I blurt. Awesome cover.

“Which gym?”


“Ahhh,” Wade intones. “That's why you always wanna go there.”

“You caught me.” I throw my hands up.

Jaeg doesn't buy it. “What's her name?”

“It's a secret.” A coy response, but the best I can do.

“You haven't talked to her yet?” Fletch asks, right before the stopwatch beeps out again.

The last thirty-second sprint follows, this one all-out at full speed. Sweat trickles down my spine, pooling at the waistband as the sun's intense rays continue their beating. It's over soon enough and we double over, our hands on our knees.