Page 33 of Snap Shot

Olsen and Szecze clear out soon after, citing boredom. Jaeg is the last to go. He folds the half-completed beret he crocheted tonight into his hoodie pocket. “I'm headed to Skylar's. You gonna be okay?”

“Aw,” I whine. “But I was hopingwe'dcuddle tonight.”

Jaeger palms my head and smooshes it into a cushion. “Keep dreamin', Radek.” Any attempts to kick or swat him off fail, but after about thirty seconds, he shows mercy and lets me come up for air.

“Ah, fuck off. I'm fine.”

I'm not fine. Not ten minutes after Derrick leaves, I open a pack of Twinkies from the snack cupboard. Then another. And another. It's fucking pathetic. Three twin packs is my limit. For now, anyway. Number six makes its way to my mouth when there are knocks on the door. I clod towards it. The delicious aroma of a fresh burger and hot fries seeps into the foyer.

“Hi—” Her greeting comes to an abrupt stop when I pull the door open, smiling eyes fading into surprise.

Considering we both know what shedid, it's a ballsy move for Indi Davé to show up at my place. She stands before the threshold in another one of those fitted blouse-and-skirt combos, a purposeful torment, for sure. The blush tinging the tops of her cheeks reveals the response to my bare chest. If she's here to distract me with her rack, I can distract right back.

I bite into the remaining Twinkie, licking away the leaking vanilla cream.

Her blush deepens, then recedes as she swallows. “I—”

She's speechless. Mission accomplished.Indi clears her throat. My smile widens. There are so many things I want to say but I'm afraid she'll think I'm a heartless d-bag. Then I’ll never get to know her. And Iabsolutelyhave to know her.

“Can't get enough of me, eh?”

She straighten in response, dark hair swishing across her shoulders.

“I've brought a peace offering.” Indi hangs a brown bag between us.

Another waft of grilled meat, toasted bread, melted cheese, and fried potatoes smacks me in the face. My mouth waters.

I lean against the door jamb and cross my arms, making sure to flex my biceps and shift my weight to one leg so she gets a prime view of the goods. “A peace offering or a bribe?”

She doesn’t waver, keeping her eyes on mine and showing off the familiar restaurant graphic with a jiggle. “It’s a Juicy Lucy from Chomp Burger. I read that it was your favorite in town.”

She looked it up? Maybe sweet Indi is in there after all.

My smile eases and then returns. “Look at that. Youdoknow how to do research.”

Her nostrils stretch, letting a controlled breath escape. “Please, Mr. Radek. I'm trying to apologize.”

Fuck.My dick rises to the occasion at the way she says please. Down, boy.

“Hmm. Not sure I can accept it yet.” Pushing off the door frame, I move aside so she can enter. “Let's talk.”

Eyes scanning through every space we pass, Indi follows behind. Halfway to the living room, she mutters under her breath. “It's fuckinghuge.”

I'm about to have some more fun. “Itis, isn't it?”

The clacking heels on her feet stop at that comment.

“Five thousand square feet.” I snort, peering over my shoulder at her ashen face. Why is it so easy to mess with her?“Most of it is outside.” I point to the rooftop patios.

Indi keeps going when I pause at the corner of the couch, and she crashes into my naked back. That fucking blush reappears.

“Have a seat.” I lower and recline into the sectional.

She searches for a spot, then sits, tucking one ankle behind the other. “Right, sure. Mr. Radek—”

“Landon.” I ask for the bag with a beckon. She hands it over.

“Okay,Landon, I'm sorry for being so short with you the other day. It wasn't my…finest professional moment.”