Oh, wait. That's my life.
Mortified. Flat-lined. I'm actually dead. This is a dream, right? A lunch hour fantasy turned nightmare?
Nope, still my life. Guess it's over now. It was nice while it lasted. Goodbye, cruel world. You did me so, so dirty. Captain Hook decided to buzz off and flopped to the floor like a fish during the screaming match.
If I hadn't been so humiliated from Landon witnessing me moan out his name, I might have laughed at how he floundered out of my office like a bat out of Hell.
Slumping back into my chair, I struggle to lower my heart rate—not flat-lined, after all—and get back my breath by dropping my head between my knees. When that doesn't work, an errant paper lunch bag that didn’t make it to the trash can comes in handy.
Footsteps near as I breathe into the bag, rapid pulse fading from its whooshing in my ears.
“Ms. Davé?” I emerge from under my desk as Geneviéve shoots up a perplexed eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing. Throwing this away.” My hand wiggles the scrunched brown bag before tossing it into the bin.
“I see.” She hums. “Your client, Landon Radek, was searching for you.”
“Was he?” I lift a shoulder with the nonchalance of an overconfident actor. “Must have missed him.”
“But you were…here?” Her palms face up, mouth screwing in confusion.
“Mostly.” I cough and clear my throat. “Perhaps I was using the facilities.” She frowns.
My phone buzzes with a message from Bea. Perfect timing. “Is there anything else you need?” I point to the device. “I've got to take this.”
She stammers out a denial and turns to leave.
Nosy. Get a life, Gene.“And close the door, please.”
Bea:Everything okay at the office? Geneviéve texted the legal secretaries Radek came in looking fire.
More like I came, he saw, and panic conquered us both.
These office gossips. Now what?I absolutely cannot tell Bea—or anyone, ever, for that matter—how Landon Radek caught me engaging in safe sex.At work, no less. The girls wouldneverlet me live it down. Even if I survived their taunts, forget about partner, I could be fired. No way I'm letting that happen.
I'm a lawyer. I know how to circumlocute. I can omit details. If I can do it to uphold law, I can definitely do it for self-preservation. I already evaded all conversations about the locker room DickflateGate in the group chat. My darling friends didn't suspect a thing. This should be cake.
Me:Didn't see Radek. Must have missed each other.
Three little dots dance on the left side of the screen before an incoming call materializes. It's Gabe. I answer.
“Hey, how's it going?”
“You tell me. Bea texted me Radek came in. Did he apologize for being a prick? Did you have to apologize? Spill the beans.”
I shake my head, knowing she got all the tea, despite my best efforts to keep it under wraps. Behraz Irani is such a blabbermouth.
I brush off her questions with a scoff. “Okay, first of all...Hi, hello. How are you?” My brain cogs spin to life to figure out how I'm going to phrase this next part. “And second, I didn'tmeetwith him.”
“‘Cause Bea said—”
“You can thank the office rumormonger for that.”
Gabe tuts, disappointed.
“I know. Too bad. Would have made a juicy story.” My face cringes at the choice of words, eyes wandering to the carpet where the wet, marooned Captain Hook lies lifeless. “And anyway, you know I can't talk clients with you. Especially not this one.”
“But you already told us he was your client and what for…”