Page 227 of Snap Shot

Sheena, Gabe, and Bea help in countingto make sure nothing is forgotten from the remaining solah shringar, every piece of jewelry and adornment carefully accounted for. Esha applies attar behind my ears and on the wildly pulsing veins at my wrists and ankles. The slightest movement sets off a symphony of delicate, clinking metal.

Their gazes meet mine in the full-length mirror, smoothing down their complementary bridesmaid saris.

“I look like a jewelry store threw up on me.”

They deny in chorus, sandwiching me in a group embrace.

My mother shushes me. “You're beautiful. Will you relax?”

“Sure, this is a very relaxing time in my life.”

Mom glares and swats at the air.

My heart knots. The contrast between the plush garnet-colored velvet and intricate gold beadwork of the skirt under my fingertips does nothing to quell my anxiety. “Can I have my phone, please?”

Gabe gives me a flat, disapproving look, but hands it over.

“Mom, sisters, we need you downstairs to greet the baraat!” A planner calls from the corner, ushering them out of the bridal suite with rapid swooping motions and muttering into her earpiece.


My Guy:You doin' okay, baby?

Me:I'm a bumbling bag of nerves. You?

My Guy:I can't wait to marry you.

A smile cracks my worried expression. I take a long breath, at ease from his response.

Me:I sent you a burger earlier.

My Guy:Aww, Indi, that's so sweet.

My Guy:But I'm fasting.


My Guy:For the ceremony, aren't you fasting?


My Guy:Then why shouldn't I?

My Guy:Burger delivery confirmed, Wade ate it.

My Guy:Also, I apologize for what we're about to do.

Me:About to…EXCUSE ME?


My Guy:Greetings! Landon is unavailable. This is Wade.

Me:Wade, what the hell is going on?

My Guy:Can't tell you.