Landon swipes his lower lip, dipping his forehead to mine. No one else exists in this pivotal moment. “Great. When?”
“Right now. Is that okay?”
“I'm free. Where's your stuff?” He teases one corner of my lips, pleading for a kiss.
“Some in my suitcase, some in the Audi.” I steal his mouth like he wants me to. “The rest gets in on a truck tomorrow.”
“Can't wait.”
Our friends help empty the car as they leave, the night's excitement ending with pleasant, tipsy goodbyes and best wishes for the move back.
“Whatcha got there?” Landon discovers me hiding a dirty little secret in the corner of the living room.
“Oh, nothing.”
The brute picks me up by the shoulders like a weightless stack of feathers and sets me aside. He gasps at the sad state of the prickly cactus he gifted last year.
“Our love plant!” he shrieks. “You let itdie!”
He’s watchedHow to Lose a Guy in 10 Daystoo many times. “It'snotdead!” I roll my eyes. “It's hibernating.”
“How could you let our love plantdie?”
If Landon is anything, it's melodramatic. I arch an eyebrow at his ostentatious display next to the side table, kneeling and doing his best wailing Gollum impression. He cuts it out when I wind up my leg to kick him in the groin.
“I'm joking, baby. I don't care about that thing. All I care about is you being here with me.”
“Good answer. I'll ask Gabe if cacti can be brought back to life. I'm kinda attached to it.” I thread our fingers together and help him up. “In the meantime, kiss me and take me to bed.”
We break in the mattress on our first night as cohabitating adults and settle against one another. The languid rise and fall of his chest as he drifts off lures my sleep, too. A raspy murmur wafts past my ear. “Indi?”
“Marry me someday.”
I don't think I'll ever be happier than in his arms.
Chapter 51: I Wanna Be Your Everything
The steady beat of Avicii's “Levels” matches my pulse as Kingston hypes one section after the other with a dance-off challenge. Our mascot waves his arms and twerks the bulky ass of the costume. It's fucking hilarious usually, but I'm on edge.
I uncross my skate from under a knee while palming my stick with both hands, lowering to the ice, and bouncing to stretch the tightness in my groin after a particularly rough pregame quickie with Indi at home. Her whining moans after finishing in my mouth ring in my ears.
I teased her throbbing pussy with my bare, swollen dick head slathering wetness everywhere. “Landon, please. Get inside me.”
“What's this, Indira Davé beggingfor my cock?”
Her nails dug into my scalp, crushing our faces together in a kiss that hardened me further. She rocked her hips, a solid attempt to slip me in.
“Please.” She whimpered. “One more before you leave.”How could I say no to those noises?
Already both sopping wet, gliding inside her was a breeze. I hooked the back of her knee over my arm, spreading her as our hips slap together. “This what you wanted, baby? Me pumping deep inside this tiny, tight cunt?”
Indi writhed and cried out beneath me as I quickened my pace, every harsh thrust rippling waves in her flesh. “Wanna be so full of my cum, it spills out of you for weeks?”