“Indi,” his voice drops, nearing the camera. “Sassy girls get spanked,” he warns, the naughtiest smirk stretching across his lips. “Or is that what you want?”
I gulp. It's notunlikewhat I want.“No.” My thighs clench. “So, I'll see you on Saturday?”
“Can't wait.”
Slush squelches into the rocks beneath the rented Jeep. An arched metal sign readingJezera Cranberry Farmshangsabove the entrance, creaking with every swing from the blowing wind. Distant rooftops of a barn and another building glitter with snow, the various frozen lakes and ponds on the property looking more like glass than ice. Like a winter wonderland.
Landon responds to my text by gunning through the white hills in a blue pickup truck, idling it when he jogs up to unlock the side gate. His classic gray toque atop is expected, but the camel-colored Carhartt coat layered over a blue flannel and work boots catches me off-guard. And don't get me started on the white Henley peeking out below his neck. He gets back into the truck and waves for me to follow, then motions to stop while he parks in the clearing by the barn.
When he hops into the passenger seat, I'm still gaping at how he fits right into the countryscape with his rugged brown beard and outgrown hair. “Welcome to the farm, baby.” He leans over the console.
My pulse swells.“Thanks,” I whisper, unable to tear my eyes away.
“How was the drive?”
There's a lag in my thoughts.
“You're staring.”
My jaw snaps shut.
“It's so cute.” He half-chuckles and flicks one of the two poms on my winter hat. “Fuckin' adorable.”
“You'reso cute.” The snappy retort rushes out before I can stop it and it doesn't bite as much as it was supposed to.
Landon's wind-burnt cheeks flame as he accepts the compliment with an easy, lopsided smile. “I know.” Two taps on the dashboard signal for me to drive ahead. “Go that way. I'll show you around.”
This place isn'tlikea winter wonderland, itisa winter wonderland. While they're closed the week between the holidays, Landon explains, the winter season is usually packed with customers. We pass a series of ice-skating ribbons looping around the property and a walk-up cafe stall. The shop where they do wine tastings and sell the farm's cranberry pastries and jam looks like a shut-down Santa's workshop in the light of day.
“Wait until you see it at night,” Landon says. “You'll feel like a kid again.”
Tucked into the far back corner of the farm lot, behind a line of evergreens, is a pristine white farmhouse. Holiday wreaths decorate its windows and white Christmas lights are threaded across the soffits. The narrow path to the left goes to a smaller house about a thousand feet away. Landon guides me to the shared driveway. He points left.
“Babi's got you all set up in the cabin. My dad got it renovated recently. You'll be the first to use it.” Once he drops my weekend bag off at the smaller cabin, Landon doubles back onto the shoveled walkway to the main house. “Come on. I want to introduce you.” His excitement would be infectious if I wasn't an anxious wreck.
Solid wood stairs and the boards that make up the front porch whine as we climb them, and the strangest feeling pulls at me when I step inside. I've never been here before, but a nostalgic scent and warmth welcome me. Landon leads through the spaces in a quick tour. The thirty-person table in the dining area does nothing to distract from how perfect his ass sits in those worn jeans.
“Mom? Babi?” he calls.
Quiet chatter and laughter get louder as we approach the hearth room in the back. It peters out when Landon claps his hands together to announce his arrival. “There you are.” A low sound grumbles from his throat. “Great. Del’s here, too.”
I gulp as he moves aside, stilling his hands mid-air from moving me forward by the lower back. Instead, he pushes them into his pants pockets. Is he nervous, too?
“This is Indira Davé.”
Goosebumps rise under my heavy layers.
The two women get to their feet from the plush couch facing a wood-burning fire, their gazes softening from Landon to me.
“Hi. Nice to meet you,” I force out as they exchange glances. “And everyone calls me Indi.”
“Mom? Hello?” Landon shakes his head as the awkward non-response lingers.