“He was holding your hand.” My hand to hold.“Touching you.” Mine to touch.
“Barely. He was introducing himself. McCri—”
“Nope. Not happening.” I grab her hand from where it hangs at her side and pull her toward the exit. “I don't wanna hear another man's name from your lips.”
“Woooow,” she sings from behind. “For being friends, you're being awfully possessive.”
Friends? She’s gotta be joking.I glance over my shoulder. “You have no idea. I don't share.”
“You must’ve made a terrible kindergartener.”
“The worst.”
On cue, she rolls her eyes. I'm not taking any of her shit today. My threat comes out in a rumbling growl. “Roll your eyes at me again and I'll give 'em something to roll back about.” That comment gives me a rest from her sass. For a second anyway. “And I think you know we're not friends, Indi. You'remine.”
She scoffs. “Yours? And when did this happen?”
I don't buy her denial. Indi hasn't attempted to free her hand from my clasp. I thread our fingers together through the darkest lane of the parking lot, far away from security cameras and other people. She doesn't resist it either. Her grip tightens.
I stop and let her catch up with me. “Since you sucked me off while wearing my jersey and nothing else.No, before that. Since that first night you drankmyred wine and told me no one has touched this sweet pussy. Remember that? I'm the only one who knows how soft and warm your cunt is, the only one who knows how stunning you are when you come. You listening, Indi? I'm the first and only.”
And you can be sure as fuck I'll be the last.
“Look down.” I drop my gaze. “You're wearing my jersey,myname and number on your back. You're.Mine.”
Indi wrenches her hand from mine and tips her chin up, defiance streaking through the fire in her eyes. “Get off. I'll do whatever I want. I'mnobody's. If I wanna talk to Sutton—”
What a brat.
My teeth grate. “The fuck you will.”
She wrinkles her face, visibly disgusted with this side of me and fights my hand off.
“Hell, I'll talk to Hunter. He’s cute as hell. I'll flirt with Montreal's whole damn team if I want!” Her arms fold across her chest.
But I'm too fired up to fixate on how incredible the round tops of her tits look molded against my jersey.
The last working nerve my control hangs from short circuits. “That’s fuckingit. We're getting out of here.”
I bend to toss her over my shoulder. Gear bags give me less trouble than Indi's flailing limbs as we walk to the Range Rover. She's like an unwieldy bag of flour that kicks.
“Landon! Put me down!” Strong fists pummel my back, her hands pawing at the bottom hem of my jacket.
“No.” I give a harsh squeeze to the back of her thighs with my forearm. “Keep it up and someone from security will come over. Is that what you want?” Her kicking ceases. She pops her head up, arching her back.
“And where are we going?”
“To my car. I'm taking you back to the hotel.” I dodge a halo of light to stay out of view.
“And what? Spank me?”
We sidle up to the black Rover and I slide her down my front. Her mouth parts with a gasp when I pin her hips and arms with mine, sandwiching her into the passenger door. “If that's what you want. I'll make your ass so red, you’ll come until you can’t think of anyone else. Screaming my name ‘til it’s carved into your throat.”
Indi blinks three times. “You realize how toxic that is, right?”
I press into her further. “Ask me if I care.” My palm lowers to unlock the door behind her, then shifts her to the side to whip it open. “Add a new rule.”
She sits without protest, but I can't take the chance. I knock down the child lock and slam the door shut before locking it from the outside.