Page 124 of Snap Shot

“No shit? That's so sick.”

“Right? I'm proud of her, y'know?” His voice softens for the briefest moment. And then it's gone. Jaeger grunts. “They're asking her to get there in November for all this prep-training.”

I smile a knowing smile, poking my tongue through my teeth. “Guess No Nut November won't be a problem for you.”

“Shut the fuck up,” he grumbles, but he's fighting a grin. His elbow knocks into mine. “Sky wants to move the date up. And make herself crazy to get it all together.”

“I hate to say it,” I reply with a shrug. This'll piss him off, for sure. But who knows? Maybe it'll make the old grouch smile, too. “That’s what you get for having Fat Elvis do the wedding.”

A throaty, stifled laugh follows. “You're a dick, you know that?”

I straighten from the stretch. “And you're a—”

The words go belly-up. I almost lose my mouthguard when my fleeting gaze over the crowd falls on the glass pane of a level three suite. My heart soars, beating at a feverish rhythm. Butterflies between my gut and heart band together to threaten a collapse.

She’s here.

Indi Davé towers above us like a hockey goddess, wild brown waves framing her face. And she’s watchingme.The usual torment of her snug-fitted skirts and dresses has nothing on that black and gold jersey. Adrenaline stokes the fire, surging until all noise fades except for the pulse thumping in my ears.

As if on purpose, Indi shifts, giving me a view of the impeccable curve of her ass in those jeans and the number twelve on her sleeve.Mynumber. All fluid in my body nosedives into my crotch. The breath in my throat hitches. Something in my bloodless, oxygen-less brain snaps. I want her out of that jersey and in my bed. To kiss her senseless while pumping my cock so deep inside that sweet fucking pussy—

“Radek.” Jaeger pops the bubble of my fantasy. “Wake the hell up. The fuck is wrong with you? Didn’t you hear? It’s time to go.”

A cloud forms and dissipates from my faltering exhale against the cool air. “Nothing. I’m good.”

I can’t help the smirk splitting my face while adjusting my jersey. Her chin lifts how it always does when she asserts control, but this time it’s from restraint. Of which I have none because I mouth a silentHi. The sexy blush that reddens her face in response makes my dick stir against the cup. Her frame disappears into the dark as the lights dim and the Jumbotron announces the countdown. But the damage is done. Knowing Indi’s there gives me all the motivation I need.

The adrenaline rush quiets when McCrimmon skates to a stop next to me at the edge of the circle. It’s nice to see my uni teammate, but the competitive streak between us hasn’t died over the years. I nod. “Been a while, man. You good?”

“Long time, no see, pussy.”

I want to face wash that smug look off the arrogant bastard's face.

“Last time I saw your ass was on TV. Giving the business to some leggy blonde.”

“Jealous?” I chirp back. “I figured you'd at least be warming beds with all the time you weren't on the ice.”

He returns a humorless chuckle. “Fuck off.”

My head motions to the bench. “Does your coach even know you're out here?”

“You wanna dance, Landy?” He unfurls from his bent-over position. The puck hasn't dropped and this asswipe's ready to fight.

I shake my head. At the sound of the whistle, we both chase the puck, taking turns shoving each other into the boards. Coach tilts his head at me with a disapproving smile when I get called for cross-checking. I hold out my arms in a shrug before we crouch down around the circle again.

The game is all defense. Neither team can get past each other's goons, and no one scores through a frustrating first period.

Wade gets the brunt of it in the locker room. He deserves it for poking the bear. “You look tired, Olsen. Here, have some of my crackers.”

The defender glares back and replies by spraying water from his bottle in Wade's face.

“Get the fuck away from me. We're out there bustin' our balls and where were you, eh?” Olsen shoves Wade.

I suddenly have a headache.

“Jerking off the crossbar?”

Jaeg growls. “I swear to fuck you'll both get benched the rest of the game if you don't shut your fucking traps for one goddamn second.” He smacks Wade upside the head. “You're in timeout. And you” —he grabs Olsen by the ear— “go call your mother and apologize for being born. Ask her to teach you some manners.”