“Wouldn't put it past her,” I say, clicking my tongue and swerving the chair to and fro. “Set up a meeting with Langley. Tell him you have something juicy on Radek.”
“Got it.” She salutes and acts out a stiff march before turning on her heel. “Pall's lawyer is still being a shit, by the way.”
“Forget about them for a little longer. We need some more statements and then I'll hit 'em with the threat of court. She'll agree to a meeting, thenbam!” I smack my palm against the wooden desktop. “Knock 'em dead. Tear apart every single allegation. Radek's lost money on this. Hell, the team could have won the Stanley Cup if he had been on his game.” Knit blazer sleeves on my elbows squeak when I lean slightly forward and wring my hands into a tight fist. “Gonna drain that greedy well dry.”
“Brrr!” Her shoulders shudder. “Sometimes I forget how savage you are. Damn.”
“I like to think it's for a benevolent cause. But who knows?” I shrug. “No one is above the law.”
Bea throws me a confirming nod. “One more thing. Is poutine okay for lunch? I'm on my period and if I don't get some greasy, cheesy fries with gravy in my belly, I'm gonna go feral.”
“Poutine's fine.” My eyes wander to my phone, distracted by the notification from Landon's renamed contact. “Let me know when you're back.”
Gym Guy:What are you up to?
Me:Making some serious headway in your case. Why?
Gym Guy:Need to see you. Now.
Me:At the office. Swing by. I'll catch you up.
Gym Guy:Come to the Au Lait two blocks west of there. I'm getting you an iced latte. You'll leave to get coffee and return with a coffee. It's a foolproof excuse.
Me:Can't you tell me via text?
Gym Guy:It's an emergency. Confidential.
Me:I'll be there in 10.
I peer in from the cafe window.
Landon takes a selfie with the baristas, doling out fist bumps with that sunshiney, charming smile. He looks fantastic in a blue suit, bright white button-down crisp against his chest. The way his blazer molds over his broad shoulders and his slacks cling to the meat of his thighs has my mouth-watering. He catches me gawking and excuses himself.
Toasting his coffee cup to a fan walking by, he wordlessly passes me the iced one. I almost spit out my first sip when he switches spots with me so he's closer to the road. I've seen Dad do it a million times when he and Mom walk side-by-side. It's protective. Gentlemanly.
The entire stroll down the street plays out in slow motion, like something out of those serials my sisters love or the cheesy, guilty pleasure Bollywood movies I can't seem to stop watching. Landon's beautiful from the side, too: kind eyes, sharp jaw, and those sweet dimples peeking through every pull from his coffee. My heart does a series of flips.
“Turn left,” he murmurs the directive from behind his cup.
The closed lunch cafe in the alley is bare and dimly lit, despite the nearly noon lunch hour. Landon's hand on my lower back has my posture straightening from its warmth. He uses it to guide us into the next right turn and parked a hundred feet away is a black Range Rover, tinted windows too dark to see through. The fluttering butterfly moment vanishes. “Am I being kidnapped?”
He shushes me through a chuckle, his crooked smile pitting a dimple in his cheek. “Just get in.”
The doors beep to unlock before he pulls one open for me, the inside spacious as expected. Landon puts his coffee in the cupholder between the front seats and settles beside me.
“So, what's this all about—?”
He cuts off my question by grabbing the latte from my hand and dropping it next to his cup.
“Hey, I'm still drinking that!”
Strong hands lift and prop me into his lap without warning. I gasp, my arms flying to his shoulders for stability.
“Drink it later,” he demands, splitting my legs so they straddle him before tightening his hold around my torso and pulling me close. “I'm about to get on a bus with twenty men who I'll be spending most of the weekend with. I won't make it through without this. Need you.”
There goes my heart again. A cardiologist would have a heyday. My insides melt whenever he saysneedlike that, all whiny and longing.
He nuzzles into me with a deep breath.