Page 109 of Snap Shot

“Landon,” she whimpers and pulls at my head, but I keep it down. Focused. Eye on my prized, soaked girl. “I have to tell you something.”

“Can it wait, baby?” My teeth sink into the tender flesh of her thigh. “I'm about to eat.”

Indi's back arches when I split the seam of her slick pussy and smother it with my mouth again. My tongue dips into the warmth once. Twice. Ready to flatten and lap like a thirsty dog. Nothing can stop me.

“My friends know about you!” she whines at a higher-than-normal pitch.

“What?” I push off my haunches and slink over the bed, shifting all my weight into her frame. “I thought this was supposed to be a secret.” Fear rips through my heart. Did she do this on purpose?

It dissipates with the brush of her hand against my jaw, thumb stroking the cheek stubble. “They don'tknowknow.”

No. This isn’t Annalise 2.0. This is me and Indi.

“They know you exist.”

A wry chuckle huffs past my lips. “Of course, they know Iexist. I'm Landon Radek, ruggedly handsome, beloved right-winger for the Ottawa Regents.”

“Don't forget humble.” Her eyes draw an arc as they roll. “I meant they know that I'm, we're” —she waves a pointed finger between us— “you know.”

“They know you and I…?”

Her eyes snap shut as she shakes her head. “Oh,no. All they know is that I’m doing stuff withsomeone.” Indi drops her hand from my face to cover her eyes.

Nooooo. Leave it. I liked it there. That's its home. Don't you want your hand to have a home? Go to your home, hand.

“They're such busybodies. I ended up giving you a code name and told them I met 'him'—which is you—at the gym to get them off my back.” She lifts her pinky and ring finger, those umber eyes peeking out under the shadow of her hand. “We call you Gym Guy.”

“That’s funny.” I pry her arm away and place her hand back on my idiotically smiling face. “I made up the same excuse when the boys figured out something was going on. They don't know it's you, either, but they call you Gym Girl.”

Indi's chin tips up to release a belly laugh, cheeks dimpling with that sparkly grin of hers. “We’re so immature.”

“Oh, yeah?” Both of her wrists cross under the clinch of one hand as I stretch her arms to their furthest extension above her head. “We can get adult real quick, if you'd like.” My hips roll and grind into her spread legs, cock stiffening further at the slow, dry hump attempt.

Indi squirms and writhes beneath me, a breathy, validating moan gushing from her throat.

“God,I want you naked.”

Defiance and mischief glint in the question of her eyes. “I have a better idea, if you let me go.”

“And what's that?”

“I’ll shower.”


“Nottogether,” she rejects the suggestion, but doesn't miss a beat before offering another option. “You can watch.”

Fuck. Okay.

She squeals when I leap up and throw her and her attitude over a shoulder before running into the washroom. Impatient hands rip her shirt away and unzip her sports bra from the front, her perky tits falling into my ready hands. I caress them before Indi denies me.

Taking her time, she explores every ridged muscle of my torso while lifting my tee. Goosebumps rouse to life at her light touches, shrinking my nipples down as far as they can.

My fingers hook into her panties and drag them down her legs. I look up at her from the floor and Indi willingly steps out of them, her hands on my shoulders. She glides them across my traps and delts, studying them through a narrowed gaze. “These are more defined than they used to be.”

I don't think I could stop it if I tried. “I wanted to make them a perfect spot for the backs of your thighs. And knees. Ankles are welcome, too.” She doles out a playful slap to my cheek before I get upright and motion with a nod toward my groin. “Your turn.”

The little rebel pokes a single finger into the mesh shorts material over my bulge.