Do you have a death wish, Radek? Shut your yapper.
“Get out.”
“But this ismyroom.”
“Like hell it is. Get. Out!” Indi manhandles me, backing me towards the door. She swings it open and shuts it on my ass before reopening it and throwing my stuff into the hallway.
The trip to the front desk is tedious and pointless. I mutter on the solo elevator ride back up, preparing myself for patience, kindness, and sensitivity despite Indi's anger. My mind shuts off as I step into the suite again.
Indi reclines on the couch, feet on the armrest, her legs going on forever until the point where her dress bunches at their apex. She bolts upright, mouth parting in disgusted surprise.
I surrender my bags to the floor with a hopeful smile and innocent shrug. “Looks like they don't have any more rooms.”
Indi glares back, seething. “You're fuckingjoking.”
“I'm not. They're all booked up.”
Her nose flares with a deep breath. “Leave, then. This isn't the only place—”
“They're full, too.” I sit my ass on the armchair across from where she stands. “I'm stuck here.”
With you. And I don't mind one bit.
“No, you're not. Go away.” She motions to the door.
“Unfortunately, I am. There's a mudslide lower on the mountain. Can't leave until they reopen the highway.”
“But I got here first!” She stomps one foot. It's adorable. Goodbye, Mr. Kind, Patient and Sensitive. The need to annoy her is back.
“So? It's a big suite.”
“So?” she echoes, imitating me while making a face. “Where will you sleep? There's only one bed.” Blush pink is the prettiest color on her. Prettier on her than anyone else I've ever seen.
“It's calledsharing, Indi.” I extend my legs, crossing them at the ankles and clasp both hands behind my head, fighting a smile as the tint on her face deepens and creeps onto the shells of her ears. “Some people in the world don't have beds.”
“Indi!” I mock with a smile.
“Why do you insist on making my life Hell?” She throws her hands up.
And I feel bad again. I was supposed to be apologizing. “Listen, I shouldn't have said—”
“Cut the shit, Landon,” she snipes through a sneer, marching towards the door. “We're gonna get this figured out, but you arenotstaying here. My boss agreed to give me time off in exchange for keeping this case. I came here to get away from you. You won't fool me this time.”
The last words disappear under her breath, likely so I don't hear, but I do. Fool her? When did I do that?
“Shhh!” Her finger presses against those flawless lips. “No more talking from you. Get your ass downstairs.” There's determination in her sharp tone, andfuck, if I'm not turned on by it.“We're gonna have a chat with the front desk.”
They're helpless against natural disasters and a busy summer season. I doubt a threat of litigation will change things, either. Indi is strong-willed, though. She wants to do this the hard way. Unfortunately for her, I play to win. And I'm not leaving this mountain without her telling me the whole truth.
“Good call, Indi. Let's go.” I wave my arm ahead of her in the hall. “Ladies first.”
Chapter 16: Big Plans