Page 36 of Snap Shot

Her lashes flutter as she nods, gazing at the floor once more before those sad brown eyes meet mine again, the sincerest I've ever seen them. “It's worse when it is.”

Indi blinks a few times, fighting a frown, then strides away. She tips up her chin in pride as the elevator doorsdingclosed.

Chapter 12: Don’t Look, Okay?


Dealing with Landon Radek is worse than I thought it'd be.

One moment he's being a pompous, flirtatious ass, the next he's sweetly offering his dinner. Then he switches back to being defensive and combative when I bring up the case.Like, I get it. You made a mistake. It's a mess and you’re paying ME to get you out of it.

I stew on the elevator trip down to the lobby, marching across the tile while muttering to myself. Someone gives a disapproving hum as I pass the security desk. It’s Timur—the same attendant I used the lawyer card on to get in. “I wouldn't go that way.”

“Why not?”

He points at the tinted glass. A mob of photographers blocks the exit and the sidewalk.

“That’s gotta be illegal.”

He tuts. “Technically, not. The sidewalk beyond that first cement slab is owned by the city. It's public property. They don’t teach you that in law school?”

My eyes deaden. “No, Ottawa’s municipal code wasn’t at the top of the Supreme Court’s priority list.” The jab takes down his arrogance. “So, what? They camp out there all night?” I prop my elbow onto the marble counter, resting my cheek in my palm.

“Guess so. Waiting for their chance.” He shrugs and returns to his swivel chair.

“Is there another exit in the back or…?”

“Yeah, but there are a ton of 'em beyond the gate, too. Ready to pounce and take photos of any ladyguests.”

My nails strum on the cold stone. “Help a lady out, Timur. How can I get outta here?”

The guard clasps his hands under his chin, putting both elbows on the other side of the desk. “You can wait 'til morning. I'm sure your client could host you for a night in that spacious penthouse—”

“What's another option?”

His thick eyebrows arch to the middle of his forehead. “Sorry, ma'am. Mr. Radek can let you out of the garage.”

“Can'tyoudo that? Come on, be a pal.”

“We live in a litigious society, Ms. Davé.” He uses my earlier language against me, tapping on his lip. “I can't without resident permission. Would you like me to let you back up?” Timur motions towards the secure turnstiles.

“Ugh! Fine. I'll figure it out on my own.” Like always.

I shake my head at myself in the privacy of the elevator. This night is absurd. But I have to leave. I'll do whatever to butter him up. Faking it is easy.

Or I could give Radek what he wants.

He wants mutual honesty and trust. I can do that, right? I said I didn't need this case, but I definitely do. It's for partner. It's not like your love life is some treasured secret. It's a short and abysmal list. Be vague. No names or details. Get it over with, Davé. Then you can go home.

I knock.

An unemotional gaze replaces Landon's usual knowing smirk as he answers. “You're back.Yay,” he deadpans.

“I'll do it.”

“Do what?” He huffs, crossing his arms across that broad chest.

“I don't know why you feel the need to 'get to know me' or whatever. But I have nothing to be ashamed of.” I take a step closer, ignoring the white heat growing in the deepest part of me. We meet at eye-level with the help of my heels. “Do your worst. Ask me anything.”