We swing our hands on the walk up to my childhood home, anxiety a distant dream. Of course, they'll love him. I love him and they love me and—shit!—before we get to the door, my mother swings it open.
“Hi, Mom.”
For once, my mother is silent, agape, surprised eyes taking in the man I've fallen for. She steps aside to welcome us in.
Dad stands in the foyer, arms crossed and scowling at the tame PDA. “Hi, Dad.”
The more I try to let go, the tighter Landon clasps our intertwined fingers. My sisters run down the curved stairs, freezing halfway when they see us. They mirror Mom's aghast expression.
“Oh,good. Everyone's here.” A sarcastic lament. “Mom—Anjali, Dad—Rahul. Anika and Esha, my younger sisters.” I motion toward each with my palm up. “This is Landon Radek.” A noisy gulp sounds out from my throat. “My boyfriend.”
“Iknewit!” Anika accuses and points back. Eyes widening as far as possible, my breath hitches. “Hewasflirting with you at that game in Montreal!”
Something softens in Dad's suspicious look. His arms fall to his sides, fingers strumming against his jeans. “Landon Radek?”
“Sir.” Landon extends his free hand.
My father wags a finger, then snaps. “Hold on a minute. Landon Radek!” His snort concerns me. My mother has the same reaction.
Twin alapadmas blossom from our hands, questioning what the hell his deal is.
A hefty arm lands on my shoulder. “You're telling me this is the same Landon Radek whose stats you memorized in grade twelve?”
I go as red as any brown girl can.
“Didn't you bake a cake or something when he got drafted?”
“And now you'redatinghim? Your favorite player?”
Landon beams. I groan and cover my face. My sisters cackle from the steps, nearly toppling over each other. Nik can hardly breathe.
“You didn't know about this?” Dad asks.
He denies it. Vehemently.
The arm leaves me, wrapping around Landon's shoulders instead as my father leads him inside. “Aw,mate. I hate to break it to you, but this girl's been bonkers over you for ages.”
“Has she?”
Help!I mouth to my mom. She frowns and shrugs, then interrupts their conversation to serve them water. “Sorry, Landon? You must be hungry from traveling—”
To my horror, he throws me a mischievous glance. Why am I in actual hell right now? “No, thank you. I ate on the road.”
Too soon are my family gathered around the dining table, sharing embarrassing stories of my youth with the love of my life. Landon's comfortableandpleased, the backstabbing bastard. It could be worse.Nevertheless, I've heard enough and excuse myself to freshen up with a shower.
The steam and the unusually balmy weather call for an outfit change. I decide on the floral dress some fashion startup sent Sheena in a size too big. The square-neck elastic fits around my chest and flowy fabric billows above the knees when I walk, light as air. I could do without the puffy sleeves, but it fits the early summer vibes.
“Holy fuck,” Landon whispers at the foot of the stairwell. “This dress.” He checks for spying eyes and moves my hair away to kiss my collarbone, inhaling the clean skin. “I'm gonna need to take you on a drive.”
We leave with a promise of returning before dinner, the wayward, unplanned excursion placing us in the middle of nowhere. His lips trace my wrist’s pulse as we take the Rover off-road, parking in a field of tall, wild grass. Left hand seizing my throat, he draws a tongue-filled kiss. “Get in the back.”
Landon joins me and my sudden need for exhibitionism in the second row. I throw my panties at his bewildered face. My naked ass meets the console when I lift the skirt and spread my legs. “Is this what you wanted?”
He adjusts his hips, running a hand down the enormous bulge at his crotch, those clear blue eyes growing hazy with lust. “God, yes.”