The most pitiful sigh leaves her mouth in response.
“You look happy.”
“I'm learning how to be.” Her brows twist as she looks away, chin jutted up. My girl doesn't fold easily.
“Del mentioned it's the only sponsored league for girls in the area.”
Indi's head nods.
“You did that?”
She shrugs. “I helped. Negotiating is a lawyering skill. I wanted them to have the type of support I didn't.”
“Goddamnit, Indi.” My palm massages the back of my neck. “I know I said I'm sorry—so many times for so many things—but I am.” Somewhat relieved to see her empty ring fingers, I groan. “Can we talk?”
Her mouth crinkles to one side. “Aren't we doing that now?”
“No, I mean,seriously.” Impatient feet drive me forward, my hands balling into fists to keep from touching her.
“About what?”
Honesty. We started and ended being true with and to ourselves. “About how miserable I've been the past few months. And how happy I was the months before.”
“Landon.” My name on her lips is the breath of fresh mountain air I needed.
“Or maybe how I'm not over you.” The pace of my heart spikes to a swift gallop when her gaze captures mine. “How I'll never be over you.”
The closer I step to her, the louder the voice in my head gets. Mine. Mine. Mine.
She backs herself into a tight nook.
“Living without you feels like dying.”
Her eyes shift to the worn rubber mat under our feet.
“I've been dead to the world.”
The line of space between us is so thin, I can taste her breath, take in her smell. Cranberry. Cinnamon. My mind screams. Home.“I can't enjoy my favorite things anymore. Ask me why.”
She flattens against the wall as my arms entrap her.
“Becauseyou'reall of my favorite things.”
“What about your Porsche? Youlovethat car.”
“It's no good to me without you sitting in it, high as a kite so I can tell you you're hilarious and that I love you.”
“You said that?”
“I did.”
She doesn't back down, challenging me with the intensity of her glare. “What about Twinkies? You're obsessed with those things.”
“Not as obsessed as I am with you.” My lips hover over hers.
She swallows.