I'd be embarrassed if I had any shame left as his mouth elicits the most unabashed simpers and crescendoing screams from me. When it gets to be too much, I dig both hands into the hair atop his head and prepare to unravel.
Landon makes a chiding noise and guides my arms upward, extending them to their lengthiest span above the high back of his bed.
“Hands on the headboard. And keep them there.”
Too afraid to lose the momentum of the high, I obey.
“Good girl.”
The clock in my office ticks annoyingly slow while I wait for my one-on-one with Theresa. She returns from her month-long holiday, ready to talk through responsibility shifts and financials for taking on partnership in the firm.
My head's all over the place. I took on Landon's case specifically to make partner. Hell, I'm ten years younger than those who are usually given the opportunity and most never get this far. Having a name on the office was the goal. Giachetti, Davé, and Associates. Becoming a partner is what I dreamed of, what every lawyer dreams of.
Now all I dream of is Landon.
The clean laundry smell on his skin, the citrusy shampoo in his hair on nights in with takeout, spooning on the couch while watching classic 90s Bollywood flicks, pond skating during holidays at the farm, having reserved seats by the glass at every game, his ring on my finger and his last name hyphenated with mine. A whole future of me and him.Us.
Which I've also got to tell Theresa about. My boss announces her arrival with a resounding slam of the door into my office.
“Davé! Have I told you recently what a genius you are?” She points to her phone screen. “I keep watching Pall's statement on repeat. Can't stop, won't stop!” She cackles with a villainous head toss.
“You haven't, but thank you.” I tilt my head to accept the appreciation and wait for her to take a seat. “It went better than expected.”
“Radek giving his cut to a children's charity was a nice touch, too.” One of her legs swings over the opposite knee as her hands gather over her belly. “Reaffirms his golden boy image.”
“That was his idea by the way. He's—”
“Either way. You held up your part, and I'm a woman of my word.” Theresa straightens and sets her twined hands on my desk. “You're gonna take this firm to the next level, I know it. I'll have my assistant send the email but consider this the official offer to become a partner.”
My face gives away my uneasiness.
“Is something wrong?”
“No. Nothing's'wrong.'”
“Would it be possible to take some time and think about it?”
Theresa's eyebrow raises. “What's this about? Is there another offer? Another firm?” She stiffens her jaw and searches for lies in my expression. “What're they offering?” A lawyer through and through.
“Nothing like that. I want to be thorough before making my decision.”
The reply is enough to calm her concerns. “Wouldn't expect anything less than thorough from you. How long were you thinking? There's no rush, per se, but I'd need to be able to report any changes before the end of the quarter.”
“Two weeks. Definitely before the end of the quarter.”
We agree on a handshake. As soon as she leaves, I pull out my phone and smile to myself.
Gym Guy:You better bounce that ass over here after work.
Gym Guy:Wanna spend the rest of my day off eating that sweet little cunt.
Halfway through typing a filthy response, a FaceTime request from my parents has me fumbling the phone once more. I put my earbuds in and swipe to accept.
“Well?” My mother's forehead greets me.