Page 194 of Snap Shot

“So, I'll see you tomorrow night?” The passenger door clicks open. I step out of my side, too, rounding the back to help with her suitcase.

“Yes. Will I survive without you? Probably not.”

Indi rolls her eyes. “You're so dramatic.”

“I'll miss you.” I pout.

“It's literally tomorrow night.” Her thumb pushes my lip back in, retracting when I try to bite it.

“Tomorrow night.”

Saying goodbye to Indi is like leaving home. That's what she feels like, smells like. That's what she's become. My home. Watching her disappear between those automatic glass doors at the terminal drops a hollow ache in my chest that lingers until I get back to Bala.

I spot Seth and my niece and nephew on the far end of the pond as I pull into the driveway. Them being out there means Delaney is on her own upstairs. The stairs aren't great at quieting my rapid steps and my sister's door is wide open, so it shouldn't take her by surprise when I leap through and belly-flop onto the bed with a Rambo scream.

She groans out her disgust and pulls at the down comforter. “God, you're so annoying.”

I cuddle uncomfortably close and force her to share a pillow. “That's no way to talk to your baby brother.”

My sister scoffs. “Go pick on someone your own size.”

“But the kids are out on the ice.”

“Exactly.” She uses a weak elbow to shove me, but it's no match for my unparalleled strength. My entire palm covers her face in a gloveless facewash, fingers rubbing over her eyes. “Ew.Get those crusty things away from me. Weren't you gonna show Sadie and Gunnar how to make those frozen bubbles?”

“Yeah, I will. Maybe in a bit.” A wistful noise sighs from my chest.

Del raises an eyebrow. “On a scale of one to ten for how in love with Indi you are, would you say you're at an eleven or twenty-five?”

I facepalm. “That obvious, eh?”

“Duh. Your face has been dopier than usual. You made gooey eyes at her all weekend, disappeared with her after the game yesterday morning and spent the morning driving her to the airport.”

“That's not all we did in the morning.”

“Gross.Stop.” She gags. “Yeah, bud. You're stupid in love.”

“Aw,man. I know.” I cover my eyes. It's not often that Del and I are serious with one another, but she's always there when it counts. “I feel like I'm going crazy.”

“A good sign, if not slightly concerning.”

I pinch her playfully.

She winces. “Ow. For what it's worth, I think she loves you too.”

“She does.” A loopy grin splits my face in half, memories of last night refilling the void of her absence. “Indi told me yesterday.” Best feeling in the world.

“So.” My sister widens her eyes for a sideways stare. “You gonna marry her?”

“Jesus, Del. Wejustgot together.”

“What?” Her hands fly up, faking innocence. “You love her, she loves you, Sadie and Gunn need friends,bada bing, bada boom…”

“Delaney.” It's a sterner warning this time. “Will you cool it?”

“Does she know…?” Her question trails off as I shake my head no. She blows out a long breath through pursed lips. “Ooh,boy. Let me know how it goes when you bring it up.”

I sneer at my nosy sister. “And why would I do that?”