“He's right. I was desperate.” Shame and guilt wrack through me. “Of all the women on campus, he'd chosen my dumb ass.”
“Stop that.” A wispy stroke of his hand across my cheek sends goosebumps down my spine. “I hate when you talk down to yourself.”
“I believed the lie, you know? Not initially, but he wore me down. Flirty study sessions, stopping by my dorm room with puppy dog eyes. I thought he really liked me.” The stubborn, growing lump in my throat grates at my voice. “For a thousand bucks, he had to prove he got the campus prude to go down on him. He took a picture, saying he wanted to remember me like that forever. His friends thought it was photoshopped. So, he invited me to a party, convinced me to get on my knees in the bathroom, and conveniently left it unlocked so we could get caught.”
“I’m sorry I left, but I couldn't handle being in the crowd. It took me back to watching him play junior hockey league games in uni.”
“It was worth decking him.” Landon sighs. Stormy blue eyes searched me as the muscle in his jaw rippled. “Did he force you?”
It’s a hard admission. “Only the first time.”
His eyebrows dip dangerously low. “That's one too many.”
“I didn't know any better.” My head shook. “Thought that I'd done something wrong.”
“You have nothing to feel guilty about. He's a pile of shit.” An angry rumble rolls from his chest.
“Well, I'm not exactly sunshine and rainbows.”
“So, what? That means you're allowed to be treated like that? That you don't deserve respect or consent? That's bullshit, Indi.” He brings his leg over mine tighter, drawing our hips together, nothing between us except two scrappy sheets of clothing. “No, you're not sunshine. You're a dark, full rain cloud, ready to burst. You wring yourself out and pour into others.”
Goosebumps on my back spread like wildfire, searing my insides in their wake.
“You deserve it all. Everything you want.” His first finger traces the number on my chest in an unspoken act of possession. One. Two. Twelve. “I hate that he took advantage of you. I wanna undo all of it. I wanna erase him from you, Indi. You're mine.”
Landon spends the next eight hours cradling me to sleep. Nothing sexual. No suggestive movements or lines crossed. Exactly what I needed. I woke before him, and his peaceful, handsome face has another admission dancing atop my tongue.I love you.
I return to my apartment in near tears and go straight to the shower. But his smell still kisses my skin. As I ready to head back out into the cold, his text appears.
Gym Guy:I hate not waking up next to you. Wanted to feed you breakfast.
Me:Had brunch plans with the girls. Raincheck?
Gym Guy:Literally anytime you want.
Me:Maybe after we settle with Pall.
A line of gray and black suits chatter quietly outside walnut double doors: Landon Radek, Cooke Wagner, Jules Tryon, the team's GM. Reps from the Regents' PR team whose names I can't remember. Which is fine because Theresa's got it covered. She whispers to a nodding Wagner.
Bea fires up her tablet, testing out the documentation software. She and I stand out like injured thumbs. While Bea chose a tan, almost-gold suit that makes her creamy skin glow, I opted for a favorite: my maroon power suit.
Some of the men sniff through nervous breaths, straightening their ties and fixing shoelaces. Some unbutton and rebutton their jackets or fiddle with their fingers at their sides. I check my phone one last time before silencing it. Notifications on the family group chat catch my eye and I can't leave them unread.
Dad:Good luck today, love!! YOU'LL SMASH IT!
Me:Thanks, Dad
Mom:Call us after. Best of luck we love you!!!!
Esha:She doesn't need luck. Her litigating skills are SUPERIOR.
Me:Nice try, Esh. Stay away from my green lehenga. Find something else to wear for your Winter Formal.