Page 162 of Snap Shot

Donovan extends his leg and trips Wade, who belly-flops to the ground. The locker room erupts in laughter, except for the stern face of our tired captain.

Before it turns into a full-on riot, my phone dings.

Gym Girl:Feeling better, I see. Great game, Radek.

Me:The snap you sent helped. You’re my good luck charm.

Me:I'm gonna need you to send one of those before every game.

Gym Girl:Some would say that's obsessive.

Me:Call me obsessed, then.

Fletch fixes his bowtie next to me. Wade flicks it. They bicker like an old couple.

“You're so fucking annoying.”

“I'm not the one wearing that dumb bowtie.” He flicks it again. The bow goes crooked.

Fletch's voice goes up an octave, imitating Jack Black. “Don't be talkin' 'bout my bowtie!”

Gym Girl:When are you back?

Me:Tomorrow evening

Gym Girl:FaceTime me when you get to the hotel. I have a surprise for you.

Like clockwork, at 11:15 p.m., Fletch falls asleep with a book on his face. Tonight, it'sKingdom of the Wickedor something. A few pages whiffle with every one of his exhales.

Expecting Indi to step up her phone sex game with a visual addition, I slip my earbuds in and pull the sheets over my head. But what pops up on my phone screen is way better. She flashes me a dimpled smile.

“Ready for your surprise?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

The camera flips to the front. It pans to her hand using a set of tweezers to drop white letters onto a still-warm chocolate mold.


“Aw,baby.” My heart floods with a gooey, sunshiney warmth. She's so goddamn cute, I can't stand it.I take a live photo, saving it to rewatch over and over again. “I miss you, too—”

Indi lets out a shorthaand keeps adding letters.


Her giggles turn into snorts and the need to assault her with endless kisses grows. I settle for riling her up from afar. “You think you're so funny now. Wait until I get back and give it to you. I'll fill your throat up so good. Doubt you'll be able to laugh then.”

“Landon!” she admonishes.

“That's what you want, right? Your mouth around my cock?” Her hand on the counter edge tightens with a curl, in sync with mine within my boxers. “Flip the camera back, Indi. Lemme see that gorgeous face.” She does. The blush on her is so fucking magnificent I would've come into my hand in about two minutes if it wasn't for my teammate sputtering awake. Indi ends the call upon hearing the ruckus.

I cough,“Asswipe.”

Fletcher squints. “What did I do?”

“Cock block,” I mutter, rolling to face away from him.

“Stupid No Nut November got everyone's balls twisted,” he grumbles.