Page 120 of Snap Shot

“Whoa,” Bea adds.

“What's going on here?”

I almost drop everything when my boss appears in the doorway.

Bea answers before I can. “Radek sent Ms. Davé fancy suite tickets to tonight’s game in Montreal and a jersey with his name on it.”

I'm dizzy from how fast she blurts it.

“Very nice,” Giachetti sing-songs. “I hope you're going. It's good for client rapport.”

If only she knew what kind of rapport we have.

She pumps a fist across her chest in an uncharacteristic manner of encouragement.“Show the client we support him.” Theresa turns to leave. “I'm sure he'll appreciate it. You might have fun.”

“Right. Support.Fun.” And what am I supposed to do with my annoying little sister?I tap the tickets against my palm.

Bea gasps in realization. “What time does your sister get in town?”

“Her train gets in at three-something.”

“That works out perfectly then. You can pick up Anika and…”

I glare back at her bright-eyed, scheming face. “Not my idea of a quiet weekend at home.”

“Aw,come on, Indi.” Her hands clasp together as she begs. “Please, please, please,pleasetake me! You know I've beendyingto see Donovan play.Please, Indi.”

“Ugh.” I slouch down into my chair with a squeak. “And how do you suppose we get there? The buses and trains are probably fully booked now.”

“Wedidtalk about spending a weekend in Montreal.” Bea wiggles her hips in a happy dance. “Road trip!” She continues the silly dance as she shimmies back to her desk, knowing that she's convinced me.

Gym Guy:You got my gift.

Gym Guy:Wear it.


Six hours later, I stand in the window of SAQ Centre's level three luxury suite, flanked by my sister and my legal secretary. Bea has on her Donovan jersey—her way of manifesting a meet-cute—and pops one of those mini hamburgers into her mouth. Anika chugs a fresh beer.

“Slow down, will you?” I pry it from her. “We have all weekend and if I send you to that interview hungover, Mom and Dad will have my head. They're only warming up and you've already had two.”

“Bea, tell my sister to be cool for once.” Nik elbows me away and continues to ravage her beer.

“Yeah, Indi. Be cool.” Bea's got her crazy leering eyes on the rink below, ignoring me entirely. “Do they hump the ice like that for the ladies or is it an actual stretch?”

Nik's cheeks pink and she fans herself. “I have no idea, but it'ssohot.”

“Shhhhh! There are other people here.”

“Who are these suits?” Bea waves her pint behind us.

My voice climbs to the next octave out of frustration. “I don't know! Keep it down.”

These two ignore me again, sighing from content as they watch the team skate around.

Landon kneels on the ice next to his captain as they stretch, chatting and laughing. His mouthguard hangs from the corner of his lip.

I finish the glass of wine from the bar and when I look down again, Radek's looking back. Face breaking into a victorious smile, still chewing on that damn mouthguard, his gaze lowers to my chest. One of his gloved hands taps on his jersey, a silent gloat that I fulfilled his request. He keeps his eyes on me and if I had blinked, I would've missed it.