“You mean lose.”
“I said what I said.” Landon positions my arm under his head and throws his weight onto my torso. He nuzzles into my neck and moves my other arm onto his muscular back. “There. Isn't that nice?” I trace the rippled, solid panels of muscles.
It is. “Go to sleep, Landon.”
The next time I blink, the sun's out.
Chapter 31: Absolutely Atrocious Display
Rustling sheets cut my initial cycle of sleep short. I lazily blink up at the ceiling, then roll to my side, seeking another comfortable position. My arm refuses to move, plagued with a strange weight.
My lips pull into a drowsy smile. Indi slept here. In my bed. With me wrapped around her. Looking like a fucking angel, so tame and kittenish in comparison to her fierce waking life. My hand brushes the span of Indi's back while I peck kisses onto her forehead, her eyelashes, her cheeks—all the places she thinks are too cute when she's awake.
Her mauve-pink lips twitch, releasing a soft hum.
God, I want to kiss her.
My heart twists knowing I can't steal it like this. One more hour, one more day. As long as she'll have me. What am I saying?She already has all of me.
I return to myplace on Indi's chest, ear down. Even through the thick hockey sweater, her heart's stable beating soothes away any lingering anguish. She lets out another hum. Lean fingers swirl through my mussy hair, her nails scratching my scalp in a moan-inducing pattern. The feather-light pressure makes me shiver. Goosebumps sprout across my exposed skin first, then the blanketed bits, too. Then something else sprouts.No, no, no, I scold my dick. For once, he listens, and I lull myself back into relaxation to the steady drumming of Indi's pulse.
“No more chicken tenders. I can't.”
A husky giggle follows a stifled snort as my dream sequence dissipates. “Landon. Wake up.”
My eyes pop open. With a knee on either side of my stomach and hands planted above my shoulders, Indi hovers over my torso. The knitted jersey—my jersey—hangs away from her body, giving me the most insane view of her tits through the collar. I swallow, the dry texture of my mouth and tongue almost as painful as how hard my dick's getting.
Indi's smile simmers through a blush when she looks up from the canopy created by my main man. “Morning, glory.”
Tousled strands of her hair fall from the deep, uneven part, hiding half of her face. I push them back, the dark brown silk between my fingers cementing the idea that this whole night wasn't some sort of wet dream. My knuckles warm when making contact with her heated cheeks.
“You stayed.”
She pulls her lips into her mouth and holds my gaze, uncertain eyes searching mine. “Is that okay?”
I rasp through a sigh. “You're the best thing I've ever woken up to.”
“Not yet.” Her right hand lowers onto the solid peak at my groin.
I tense and gasp.
“I might have broken a rule, but I always hold up my end of the deal. And it's time to play the pipe.” Indi slinks down, crawling backward, scraping her nails down my naked flesh until she reaches my shorts.
“Isn't it,um, 'pay the piper?'“
Her eyebrow quirks. “You wanna argue with me about technicalities or you wanna be sucked off?”
“S-s-s-second option.” My hoarse stutter couldn't sound more desperate.
A crooked smirk dimples her cheek—the left one, the one with the deeper pit. My pulse skyrockets in anticipation. Her fingers hook into the waistband to release my already leaking cock. I groan when she spreads the stickiness down the shaft, her fist getting tighter as I harden.
Indi sways over the tip, teasing the fuck out of me with the seam of her lips. “Put your cock in my mouth, Landon.” Those round eyes dilate as she licks them in preparation. When she locks my hands onto her nape, my dick weeps harder.
It takes no effort to slide past her full lips and I whip my head back against the pillow as she sucks around the swollen crown.