Page 105 of Snap Shot

I mumble my agreement while trying to ignore them.

“I bet his dick’s massive.”

Landon's eyes hone in on mine, smile going full-on smirk before he winks. My pulse sets off into a sprint, but I glare back in warning and pretend to squint while browsing the menu.

“Donovan is way hotter, though.”

Gabe pulls the corners of her lips down in surprise and bobs out a series of nods. “Never thought you'd go for a ginger.”

“Me either, but he'sincredible. His voice” —she mimes drooling and gargling—” is so soft and deep. There's this shirtless interview of him in the locker room from last season and you bet your sweet little titties I recorded that shit. I've lost count of how many times I've watched—”

“Wait,” Gabe talks over Bea. “Did Radek wink at you?” Her brows furl as her eyes shift to mine.

My heart plummets into my gut. “Doubt it,” I say through a snuff, sending the shakiness in my breath away. “I don't think he knows I'm here.”

“You're not gonna go over?” Bea eyes me suspiciously, too. “He's our client, after all.”

“And I'm off the clock. If he wants to say hi, he can. I see enough of him at the office.” And after hours. And in my dreams.

“Okay,jeez. Weirdo.” My legal secretary gives me the once over, those big, beady eyes searching me up and down.

Gabe clasps her hands together in a muffled clap. “Back to the point at hand. You and Gym Guy. You've been rockin' each other's boats for” —she counts on her long, svelte fingers—” over a month now. Deny it all you want, Indi, but you two care about each other.”

My jaw twinges. I do care about Landon, but that's what friends do, right? Friends care for one another. We also happen to enjoy each other's company. “I promise. We're messing around, not playing house.”

Gabe and Bea both throw their arms up in surrender.

“Fine, whatever. When are you seeing him next?” Gabe is so nosy these days.

“I don't know.” My voice rises to a higher pitch. “It's not like we have a schedule or something.”

“I wanna meet this sex god.” Gabe picks up her phone from the table. “Maybe we can make a trip to Fit365 tomorrow. Try to see Mr. Orgasm in the flesh.”

Confidence wavers through the next stammered-out sentence. “I don't know if he'll be there.”

“Maybe not.” Gabe sends me a determined grin. “But maybe he will.”


No excuse works on my friend. After hours of back and forth arguing over text, Gabe picks me up from work, citing she could really use someone to shoot hoops with.

“You're engaged to a professional basketball player!” I don't know who I'm kidding with all this protesting. I'm already sitting in her car. “Can't he play with you?”

“He played with me last night.” She sticks her tongue out before taking a left turn. “We got into it. I was so sore this morning, it took me like thirty minutes to get out of bed.” Her hearty laugh ricochets within the confines of the Jeep. “Men are so easy. All I had to do was say how your guy gave you four o's, and suddenly it was go-time. Kurt is competitive as hell.”

“And somehow that wasn't enough of a workout for you?”

Gabe pats my thigh. “One can never betoohealthy.”

The gym floor is packed by the time we get there, post-workday rush in full swing. She bends to tie a shoelace against a locker room bench, then straightens to tighten her ponytail.

I admire her exposed midsection. “Damn, girl. Look at those Janet Jackson abs.”

“It's all the” —she thrusts her pelvis— “you should ask Gym Guy to take you for a ride. I bet he would.”

I dissociate for a second, questioning why and what I'm holding out for. Bea's right. I'm a weirdo. A weirdo who's gonna die a virgin. All because I can't get over what stupid Kleinmann did.
