Okay, I’d totally been looking.

I hadn’t gotten to see him in his apartment after Thanksgiving, and I wanted to. I wanted to study his length with my lips and tongue as I swallowed him down. I wanted to hear him come apart because I was making him feel good. And more than anything, now that I knew his secret, I didn’t want him to hold back. I wanted to watch as his tentacles took me apart. I was glad this was turning him on as much as it was turning me on. My cock was more than half-hard, and the more tentacle talk that ensued, the more blood that rushed south, until all I could think about was being naked and totally wrapped up in all of Levi.

Clearing my throat, I asked the question that had been running through my head on a never-ending loop since his reveal in the woods. “Levi, that night, after Thanksgiving, were your tentacles involved?”

His lips tipped into a sexy-as-fuck smirk. “Maybe.”

A groan slid up my throat and through my lips. “Fuck.”

“It’s impossible to control them during sex. It’s too primal, and I can’t hold them back. That’s why I kept my jacket on and told you to keep your eyes on mine. To hide them from you because I couldn’t hold them back, and I didn’t want to.”

I swallowed hard and felt Levi’s eyes on me. “What does it feel like?”

He tipped his head in question. “What do you mean?”

“Are your tentacles sensitive? Do they experience sensation like your hands or, uh, other things?”

Levi laughed, and the sound rolled over me like a tidal wave. “Are you asking me if my tentacles all feel like dicks?”

I shoved his shoulder. “No.” Then I shrugged. “Maybe? I don’t know. This is not a conversation I ever thought I’d be having. I don’t know the protocol for asking what it feels like to use your tentacles during sex.” I hitched a thumb toward the trailer where we’d stacked all the trees. “I mean, I can’t imagine if your tentacles were that sensitive that tossing pine trees would have been that comfortable. I’m just trying to understand so I don’t accidentally do something to hurt you.”

Levi’s hand landed on my thigh and squeezed. “I love that you’re worried about that because it proves exactly what I already knew about you, Kris Kringle. But to answer your question. It depends. When I use my tentacles for work, it feels like using my human hands I guess. It’s different because in my partially shifted form, my human skin and my kraken skin aren’t the same, but it doesn’t hurt to use my tentacles to lift heavy or rough things.”

“Okay, but what about during sex? You said you can’t contain your tentacles during sex, which is maybe the hottest thing I’ve ever heard, by the way. Is it different then?” My fingers itched for a notepad and pencil so I could take notes, even while my cock continued to swell in my jeans.

“Yes, it’s different.” He turned in the ATV’s bucket seat to look at me. “Let me see if I can explain it.” While he spoke, his hand drifted up and down my thigh, his touch almost enough to distract me from what he was saying. Almost. “You know howwhen you’re really aroused, your skin feels alive like every touch is amplified?”

I nodded, starting to feel that way. I was hyperaware of the way my T-shirt felt against my chest and the way the damp denim of my jeans clung to my legs. Everywhere Levi touched, it felt like fire trailed in its wake until he was heating me up from the inside out, and all he was doing was stroking my thigh, getting closer and closer to my cock with each pass until it felt like all I could feel was his warm hand sliding over me. “Yeah. I think I know exactly what you mean.”

“It’s like that. Only on a larger scale because it’s not just my human skin that feels like a live wire, it’s every inch of every tentacle.” Levi glanced around. The barn door was closed, and no one else was outside. He wrapped a fist in my coat and tugged me closer until his lips crashed against mine.

The tension between us broke like a wave crashing into the shore, and I leaned into the kiss, my lips forming to Levi’s as we explored each other’s mouths. His hands wound into my hair, displacing my knit hat, and I shoved my hands under his borrowed jacket, my fingers running over the raised lines where his tentacles rested against his skin. As my fingertips danced along the lines, they shuddered, the texture changing until I knew I was stroking over a fully released tentacle.

Levi deepened the kiss, using his hands in my hair to hold me to him tighter as I experimented with different pressures and stroked over as much of his body as I could. He moaned against my lips, and I needed more. I needed to feel him against more of my skin, but I let the kiss linger, falling completely under Levi’s spell, as my hands smoothed over the silky skin of his extra appendages.

Gentle tugging on my scalp that felt different than fingers running through my hair caught my attention as Levi sighedagainst my lips. “Your hair is so soft, and I can’t wait to feel your beard on me.”

I wanted that too. So badly. We dove back into the kiss, the rest of the world falling away, our focus narrowed down to the slide of our lips and the caress of our hands, and it could have been minutes or hours that we stayed like that as time ceased to exist.

“Oh, man. Seriously? Again with this? My eyes!” My brother’s voice ruined the perfect moment. “What is it with you guys and making out in vehicles?”

Levi’s tentacles immediately receded under my palms, the tentacle in my hair slipping away, and I hated it.

My head swung toward my brother where he was glaring at us, one eyebrow raised.

“What do you want?”

“The last of the trees for one. Not to see you making out with your man again for another. World peace is a close third. I could also really go for a hot dog.”

Next to me, Levi laughed, and I almost kissed him again regardless of our audience.

“You’re an idiot.”

Kevin shrugged. “Not the worst thing I’ve been called today.” He moved around the ATV and dropped the rear gate. “But seriously, we need to get these done so we can get out of here.”

Levi and I climbed from the ATV, both of us adjusting our clothes. I didn’t know if any of Levi’s tentacles had slipped past his clothing besides the one he’d been running through my hair, and I couldn’t help but think that maybe that had been a close call.

Without being able to use Levi’s kraken strength, the process of unloading was much slower, but we got it done the old-fashioned way.