Levi’s answering smile made the winter sun look dim by comparison. “Yeah, I think I’d really like that.”

I leaned in for a kiss, my lips connecting with Levi’s the second my phone buzzed in my pocket. Levi laughed against my mouth. “You wanna grab that?”

“No.” I tugged him closer, the vibrating in my pocket stopping as my fingers slid under the hem of Levi’s kraken T-shirt. But the reprieve was short-lived, the buzzing starting up almost as soon as it had stopped.

Levi put a hand on my chest and pushed me back a step. “You grab that. I’m going to check in with the window repair guys, and we’ll”—he gestured between us—“pick this up later.”

“Come back to my house after the KELPS party?” I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Levi again. In the week and a half since Thanksgiving, I’d replayed the feel of Levi’s hand on my cock a million and one times while I got myself off, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t recreate the sensation, and it was driving me crazy.

His gaze heated, and he nodded. “Definitely.”

I slid my phone from my pocket and answered the call.

“Kris, it’s Pete. The community center is out of coffee cups. Can you pick some up on your way?”

“Of course. Do you need anything else?”

“No. I don’t think so. Marvin ordered the pizza, and it’s being delivered in about forty-five minutes.”

“Do you have plates?”

“Yep. Clara sent them with the cookies she made.”

“Shortbread?” Clara’s shortbread cookies were my favorite, and don’t tell my mother, but Clara’s were better than hers.

“You know it.”

“Set some aside for me.”

Pete laughed. “You know I can’t play favorites like that, Kris. You’ll just have to get here early.”

“Fine, then get your own cups. I need Clara’s shortbread.”

Pete chuckled again, then sighed. “Fine. I’ll see what I can do. You get the cups.”

“On it. See you soon.”

“See you soon.”

Levi had wandered back my way and continued unloading his box of Poseidonia decorations, glancing up at me when I hung up the phone. “Everything good?”

“Great. Marvin’s wife made shortbread cookies.”


“You don’t get it. Clara’s shortbread is the best.”

One of Levi’s brows lifted toward his hairline. “I’m willing to believe it’s the best shortbread you’ve ever had, but you forget I grew up in Ireland. One might even say I’m a shortbread connoisseur.”

“Well, if we want to make sure we get some so we can test your theory, we need to get to the community center STAT.”

Levi brushed off his hands, a few flecks of glitter falling from his fingers as he reached for his coat, which was draped behind him on a tall chair. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Are the guys done with the window?”

“Yep. They’ve been paid and everything.”

“All right then. Let’s go. We have to make a quick stop on the way.”