“Everyone likes something different, and my mom tries to accommodate everyone. There are mini marshmallows, big marshmallows, cinnamon-flavored marshmallows, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, Irish cream, peppermint syrup, candy canes, chocolate chips, and whipped cream. Oh, and sprinkles. You know, for the kids.”
My sister Kimmy walked by, her cup topped with a huge swirl of whipped cream—a dot of which she had on the end of her nose—and a ton of sprinkles. She smiled. “Yep, the sprinkles are definitely for the kids.” She rubbed a hand over her baby bump. “Including this one.”
“You’ve got a little…” Levi gestured at his nose, and she reached up to wipe at it, licking the whipped cream from her fingertip when she found it.
“Thanks, Levi. This jerk would have let me walk around like that.”
I held up my hands in self-defense when she took a playful swing at me. “Hey, what are brothers for? And don’t pretend you’re all innocent. I know you and Kennedy were the reason we got stuck untangling the lights.”
Kimmy pretended to look offended. “Me? How dare you, sir. I would never.” She held a hand over her heart, her eyes glittering with mischief.
“Yeah, yeah.”
She looked over to the corner where we’d been working, and her smile widened. “Looks like you guys got through it all prettyquick. And, look, Levi hasn’t gone running for the hills yet.” She went up on her tiptoes and stage whispered, “I think he might be a keeper.”
Levi laughed. “It’s going to take more than some tangled lights to drive me away.”
His words were innocent, meant to be banter between him and my sister, but my heart did a happy flip-flop in my chest. I hadn’t realized until that moment how much it meant to me that Levi fit in with my family. They were holiday obsessed and sometimes collectively nuttier than my aunt Karen’s fruitcake, but I loved them, and I wanted Levi to love them too.
“That’s good to know.” Kimmy gave us another smile, then walked off to where her husband, Connor, was sitting with their seven-year-old son, Kyle. Like his mom, Kyle had whipped cream on the end of his nose and squirmed when his mom kissed it off.
“Did you want to add anything to your cocoa?”
Levi shook his head. “I’m kind of a purist.”
“Me too.” We took our cups back to our corner.
Levi slid down the wall next to where the strands of lights we’d untangled were laid out and blew on the steaming liquid in his cup before taking a sip. He closed his eyes as the flavor hit his tongue, his expression one of pure bliss, and I wondered what it would be like to see that expression on him in a context that had nothing to do with hot cocoa and involved a lot more nudity.
His tongue darted out to lick his lips, and I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the movement, my dick taking notice and perking up in interest. Levi took another sip, eyes still closed, and I had to will myself not to pull him into my arms and lick away the hot chocolate on his lips before he did.
“Okay, this is really damn good. I can see why it’s one of your favorite things about the holidays.”
Watching Levi enjoy my mom’s hot chocolate was too much for me to handle, and I didn’t trust my voice not to give me away, so I just nodded. But Levi turned my way, meeting my eyes, and there was no way I could hide the heat there.
“Kris? You okay?”
I nodded again but leaned closer taking in Levi’s scent that reminded me of a day out on the water, all fresh air and salty sea spray. Mixed with the warmth of the cocoa and the pine, peppermint, and cinnamon scents I associated with my family, Levi smelled like home, like mine.
And maybe that’s why I responded with the truth instead of trying to hedge.
“Watching you lick cocoa from your lips might be the closest thing I’ve had to a religious experience, and I’m not sure I can keep my hands off you.”
Levi’s honey-colored eyes went molten hot. “Good thing I don’t want you to.” He took another sip from his cup and held my gaze as he licked away the lingering chocolate from his lips.
My cock was fully on board now, and a million excuses ran through my head as I tried to figure out a way to extricate us from decorating duties so we could find somewhere private.
Then one of my nieces or nephews screamed, and the spell between us broke, dropping us back into the barn surrounded by my family.
“I don’t want to just steal a few minutes with you, Levi. I want us to be able to take our time.”
His eyes were still hot liquid honey when he nodded. “Agreed. I have plans for you too.”
I groaned. “You can’t say stuff like that.” I lifted myself off the floor and adjusted my pants the best I could. Levi tracked the motion, understanding my issue and glancing at where my dick was a hard bulge in my jeans.
He licked his lips again and grinned. “Sorry.”
I shook my head. “No, you’re not. But hurry up and distract me before I change my mind and come up with an excuse to get us out of here for a few minutes.”