“Now what?”

“Now I like to see if I can pick out the common theme in the book that resonates with both of us and we use the quizzing glass to guide us to the correct choice.”

“Show me,” Alexander whispered, and I took another shaky breath. He was willing to trust me, to give this magick thing a try, and I wanted him so much in this moment I could barely speak.

“I would say that there are many big themes to this book, adventure among them, but I think the commonality here likely comes down to the traits that Frodo himself embodies.”

“Resilience,” Alexander said, his eyes on mine. I nodded.

“I was going to say courage.”

“Try it,” Alexander urged.

I wrote courage carefully on the notebook and then held the quizzing glass over the page. Holding my breath, I waited.

When the word courage drifted off the page, shimmering in golden light, I half-laughed, half-sobbed.

“Would you look at that?” Alexander breathed, caught on the word dancing in the air. “Incredible.”

“Isn’t it?” I whispered.

“In your professional opinion, does this mean that you’re my match?” Alexander asked.

“Based on my short, but highly professional career as a matchmaker, yes, I would say so.”

“Good, because I was going to throw this notebook out the window if it wasn’t.”

I let out a laugh as Alexander leaned over and brushed the softest of kisses against me, as though I was a delicate porcelain figurine, ready to shatter at the smallest touch. I sighed into his mouth, wanting more, but he pulled back. Cupping my chin with his hand, he bent his forehead to me.

“I’m sorry I hurt you, Rosie. I’ll be more careful with your heart in the future.”

“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about this. I’ll be more open in the future.”

Alexander pressed a tiny kiss to my forehead, and then we breathed each other’s air for a moment, our future recalibrating to include each other in it. He drew back.

“I have something for you.”

“You do?”

“Aye. Permission to enter?” Alexander pointed at the bed, and I patted the spot next to me.

“All aboard.”

“Perfect, I’ll be right back.” A minute later, Alexander was back with his backpack, and he eased carefully into the bed next to me. Reaching in, he pulled out a Tupperware container andhanded it to me.

“What’s this? Cookies?” I popped the lid and then gaped at him as the smell hit me. “Are they cinnamon oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?”

“They are.”

“These are my absolute favorite.” I beamed at him. “How did you know?”

“Jessica is quite helpful.”

“You called her?” At his nod, my heart leapt. The only other person who had done something like this for me had been Jessica, and that was because she was my best friend.No, it’s because she loves you and shows up when you need her.

Like Alexander had done today.

He cared. He really cared. He’d called my friend and found out what I liked, and…he hadn’t left me alone on Christmas Day.