And I was lost.

Lost to this man.

Lost to this place.

Lost to this new life I’d discovered for myself.

Nothing before or nobody after would ever make me feel the way he did in this moment. Appreciated, admired, lusted after. It was a heady feeling, and I lost myself to the new idea of being with someone who took joy in bringing me pleasure.

Merry Christmas to me. And then I could think no more.

Chapter Twenty-One


“You’re sure you want to do this?” I asked, handing Rosie a pair of binoculars.

“Get up early and walk in the cold when your bed is so much warmer?” Rosie raised an eyebrow at me, and I laughed.

I’d been laughing a lot the last few days.

Good, no,great, sex was bound to boost anyone’s mood. But it was more than that. It was just well, hell, Rosie was just plain fun to be around. She had a cheerful approach to life, so long as she could follow all her lists, which I very much appreciated. The way she went about tasks made sense to me, and we often found ourselves comparing our daily schedules and making notes on where one could improve. Efficiency was a turn-on itappeared, because every time she addedmeas a to-do on her list, I’d bend her over a table.

Just to cross off an item on the list, naturally.

“It is, but just think how much warmer it will feel when we get back.”

“Plus, you’re carrying my shopping home.” Rosie patted her coat pockets, looking around. “Where is my grocery list?”

“Pocketbook?” I asked, pointing to where it had been left on my kitchen counter.

“Sure, have a look.” Rosie unzipped her coat and dug in an interior pocket while I unzipped her handbag and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Seeing the neat title at the top, I blinked up at her in amusement.

“I’m not sure that Tesco sells what you’re looking for here.” I waved the paper in the air and confusion crossed Rosie’s face.

“What’s that?”

“What I want in a man,” I read out loud and her cheeks paled.

“Give that to me.” Rosie lunged, but I stiff-armed her and held it closer to read.

“Since we like to share lists so much.” I laughed as she tried to wrangle closer and squinted at the page. “Let’s see. Tall. Broad-shouldered. Ah, there’s that shoulder kink I knew about.”

“Damn it!” Rosie laughed, trying to duck under my arm.

“Trustworthy.” At that, I paused and looked down at her. As much as I wanted to read the rest ofthe list, it was hers to share or not. If I wanted to respect her, I had to hand it over. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” Rosie snatched the paper from my hand, blushing.

“But if you want to share it with me, I won’t mind. We could compare lists.”

“You have a similar list?” Curiosity popped into Rosie’s eyes.

“Not written down, but I have it here.” I tapped my head.

That was a lie.

I didn’t have a list.