“What’s your name?” Esther asked.

“Oh, right. I’m Sarah.”

“Hi, Sarah. Don’t let this one steamroll you. She’s an aggressive ambassador of love.”

“Hey, I like that. I’m going to put that on a jumper.” Esther smacked my arm.

“I don’t know if I can find love. Not again.” Sarah fingered a slim chain at her throat. “I, uh, lost my husband when I was pregnant with my youngest. Motorcycle accident. That was four years ago. I’m not sure?—”

“You can be unsure but still try,” Esther said, patting the woman’s arm. “Maybe it will stick, maybe it won’t. But you won’t know unless you give it a go.”

“It feels wrong.” A shimmer of tears hit her eyes.

“Nobody expects you to live a life without love, Sarah. That’s just foolish talk.”

“Oh.” Sarah blinked at Esther as though she’d just given her a secretcode. “Really?”

“Really. Now, let’s get the goods. What’s your favorite book? What are you looking for?”

I gaped as Esther just drew Sarah away to a corner and grilled her. What the heck? Wasn’t I supposed to be the matchmaker here?

“Great place you have here.” I turned from glaring after Esther to see Harper’s friend, Aiden.

“Thank you. It’s new to me, but I’m loving it so far.” He had friendly eyes and a nice smile.

“Would you like to get a drink later? Or tomorrow?”

“Oh.” Surprised, I did a double take. I hadn’t really been expecting to be asked out, particularly by a man here for just a vacation, but then paused to consider. Could he be a no-strings-attached fling that moved me past my last relationship? Maybe. Maybe he could. I knew Jessica would be pushing me out the door with him as we spoke. Thinking of her made me smile. Esther and Jessica had a lot in common.

“Sure, I’d like that.” I didn’t know if I was feeling impulsive, or just willing myself to go on new adventures, but a drink with a handsome man wouldn’t hurt. Plus, it would put the town off the rumors of Alexander and me being a couple.

“Great, I’ll give you my number?”

We exchanged numbers and Harper pulled him away to show him something. Looking up, I caught Alexander staring at me across the room, his face a mask. When he turned away, my heart twisted.

Had I done something wrong? I thought we were just meant to be friends. Uncertain now, I blinked as thespeaker switched from Christmas music toDangerous Gameby Kylie Minogue.

“I’m not playing games,” I hissed at the speaker and then realized I was still in a room crowded with people. I honestly wasn’t a game player, but it was nice to be asked out. I’d never felt particularly amazing while dating John, so to be kissed by a hot Scotsman and then asked out on a date by a cute American…well, it was flattering. And I was allowed to have fun.Right. This is okay, Rosie.Gathering myself, I scooped up a glass of wine and pasted a customer service smile on my face.

“Cherise. Tell me what your secret is for these shortbread cookies? They’re delicious.”

Chapter Seventeen


Why was she taking that guy’s phone number? Had Rosie just said yes to a date? Annoyance flashed through me partnered with another emotion that I wasn’t used to feeling.


And I wasnota jealous person.

When my ex-wife had cheated on me, it hadn’t made me jealous. I’d never cared who her lovers were or what they’d looked like. I’d mainly just felt sad because I knew the relationship was over. I’d later learned that she liked it when men fought over her, as two of her flings had gone to blows over her at a pub. A story she’d told me in gratuitous detail, with a gleeful look in her eye. When I hadn’ttaken the bait, instead just handed her the divorce papers to sign, she’d been infuriated.And we’d been married for five years.

So no, jealousy was not an emotion I was used to.

In fact the last time I think I’d been actually jealous was when BirdKing77 had passed my score on BirdFindr, having seen a critically threatened Bahama oriole when he’d been on holiday in the Caribbean. I’d been holding a silent war with this unknown internet birder for years now, and it had annoyed me that he’d gotten ahead with such a rare find.

But now, as I watched Rosie, in that silky skirt that was driving me more than a little crazy, smile up at some unknown man, I realized that I was, indeed, jealous. Rubbing at the ache in my chest, I looked away.