“Fair. Aside from your obsession with my shoulders.” Rosie caught herself before she went to knock her hand against my arm, and I looked down at it pointedly.

“Damn it, you’re right. I do touch your shoulders a lot.” Rosie sighed.

“It’s fine. I won’t tell anyone.” I winked at her.

“So, buddies then?” Rosie held up her fist and I met it, lightly bumping my own against hers.

“Buddies. The Book Bitches will have to set their sights on someone else.”

“Say, buddy, want to grab a drink? I’d like to go in there and invite people to my party, but it might be less daunting with a friend.” Rosie nodded to the pub.

“A party? Do I get an invite?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Of course. I don’t even know if I’m throwing it. But the Book Bitches seem convinced I am, so it appears I’m having an open house party this weekend.”

I rarely went to the pub, largely due to that whole avoiding socializing thing, but suddenly it didn’t seem so daunting if I was with Rosie.

“Aye, lass. Let’s get a pint.”

Holding the door for her, I noticed her blush at my words, or maybe it was the cold air, and she gave me a considering look before shuttering her eyes.

Unsure of the contradicting emotions swirling around inside me, I followed my new friend into the pub.

Chapter Fifteen


“You here to pick up some birds?” a man sitting at a table just inside the door asked Alexander. He then laughed uproariously at his joke, slapping his knee.

“I could be available.” Cherise blew Alexander a kiss and he cleared his throat.

“He’s showing me the pub because I’m new in town,” I interjected hastily. “And the birdseed is for my birds. I want to hang a feeder outside the shop.”

“Och, you’re the new girl then. For Moira’s shop. I’m Gregory. An honorary Book Bitch.” Gregory shook my hand and I smiled at him. He must be something if the book club let him join.

“Gregory helped save the pub last year,” Shannonexplained from where she sat at the table next to him with the rest of the women. “We love him.”

“Och, stop it.” Gregory blushed and buried his face in his newspaper.

“What are you two doing coming in for a drink together?” Meredith asked, looking us both up and down, a gleam in her eye.

“Nope. None of that.” I waved my finger at the table. “We’re just friends. I asked him to come in here with me so I could feel comfortable inviting people to my party.”

“Oh, so you are having a party? Smart.” Esther nodded her approval, raising her glass of wine in the air. “When is it?”

“This weekend. Saturday. I’m going to have an open house party. I hope everyone can make it.”

“I’ll bake cookies,” Cherise said.

“I’ll make a signature drink,” Meredith decided.

“I’ll bring snacks,” Shannon promised with a wave.

“Wait, you don’t have to bring anything. I’m sure I can figure it out.”

“It’s not a bother.” Esther waved a hand in the air. “We love doing this stuff.”

“Rosie?” Alexander called from where he’d abandoned me to the Book Bitches and now stood at the bar.