Caught, I stared at them like a deer in headlights.
Shannon threw her head back and laughed while Cherise shook her head, making a clucking noise with her lips.
“I think the lad’s got a wee crush.”
“You know, we can help you with this.” Esther marched closer. “We’re practically legendary when it comes to our matchmaking.”
“Matchmaking?” Rosie said, and I froze, feeling the blood drain out of my face. Nope, this was not what I needed.
“Ladies, I have to run. I have a Zoom call soon.” I didn’t. I was absolutely lying, but I needed an out. I was already past my limit for conversation for the day and it wasn’t even ten o’clock. Slipping my backpack on, I made to leave.
“Wait.” Rosie grabbed my arm. “How will I find your house?”
My cheeks burning, I turned and wrote my number down for her while the Book Bitches watched gleefully on. Barely able to say goodbye, I grabbed my coat and tossed it over my shoulders and backpack, not caring that I hadn’t properly put it on.
The ice-cold rain that slapped my face was a sharp reminder to not get too comfortable.
“Bloody hell,” I murmured again. What was I getting myself into?
Chapter Twelve
“What, exactly, were you talking about with matchmaking?” I demanded, whirling on the women. They all turned away at once, digging in boxes, dusting shelves, and Cherise picked up a fairy ornament and held it in front of her face.
“Hello? I know you can hear me.” Walking over, I took the ornament out of Cherise’s hands, and she blinked up at me.
“What is that, dear? You know, I’m quite old. I must be losing my hearing.” Cherise turned and ducked around a bookshelf, hiding from me. I knew who the head of this group was. Turning, I stalkedacross the room until I was almost nose to nose with Esther. To her credit, she didn’t flinch, instead she lifted her chin to meet my eyes.
“Is this about the Highland Hearts Special?” I asked.
Surprise entered her eyes. “What?”
“The matchmaking? The magic?” I waved a hand in the air.
The music flipped off.
As one, everyone in the shop turned to look at the speaker.
“Lass, what are you talking about?” Esther whispered, reaching out to put her palm against my forehead to check for a temperature.
“What wereyoutalking about?” I demanded, batting her hands away. “I’m not sick.”
“Matchmaking. We’re known to be quite good at it. In fact, I would say we have a one hundred percent success rate.” A smug expression crossed Esther’s face and she tucked a gray curl behind her ears.
“With the shop? The Highland Hearts Special? You’re a part of this too?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
The music flipped on again. This time it was the song,Magic, by the band, Pilot.
“Shit,” I breathed.
“Are you wanting to tell us something, dear?” Meredith asked, keeping her tone cheerful as she sidled closer, giving the speaker a wide berth.
“Um, no?” My voice rose in question.
“You don’t sound convinced. And judging from yourspeaker over here, I’d say there might be something you want to maybe have a wee chat about?” Shannon asked.