“Enchanted forest.”

“Alice in Wonderland.”

“Jane Austen.”

“Sherlock Holmes.”

“Christmas under the sea.”

“Christmas around the world.”

“Christmas in space.”

“Stop!” Esther cried, putting her hand in the air. She finished scribbling the last of thesuggestions that the group had shouted out. “That’s enough. For now. There are some good ones in there. Well, some. Christmas under the sea?” Esther rolled her eyes at Shannon.

“Och, it would be great fun. A mermaid Christmas? We live right at the ocean.”

“I mean, I kind of like it,” Rosie said. “Could there be puffins?”

“Ohhh, I’m in.” I grinned as Esther’s cheeks mottled. “All for Christmas under the sea?”

Four of us raised our hands. Cherise started to but dropped it at Esther’s expression.

“Well, I see I’ve been outvoted. Fine, then. But when this window ranks poorly, don’t come crying to me.”

“Och, go on then, Esther. You know it’ll be just lovely. Don’t be in a huff.”

“I’m not in a huff.” Esther sniffed and turned her back. She was a woman in a huff if ever I’d seen one.

“But you do the best designs. We have four chances. Isn’t it best we start with the smallest idea and work up to the best? That way we can really wow them by the end of the month,” Meredith said.

“I suppose.” Esther turned and stuck her nose in the air. “But I’m putting pirates in as well.”

“Naturally. We wouldn’t want them not to get a Christmas gift either.” Rosie nodded as though a pirate, puffin, and mermaid-themed Christmas window made any sense at all.

“It’s going to be great. Esther will draw up the design and we can pick up materials. Once we have a design, Alexander can figure out the lights and the music.”

“The music?” Rosie asked, arching a brow up at me.

“Aye. They want lights that change in beat to the music.”

“Won’t that be a tad annoying to listen to on repeat all day?” Rosie trailed off as Esther gave a deep sigh.

“Right, music it is.” Turning to me, Rosie bumped my shoulder again. “Hey, is it possible I could meet your puffin? I’ve never seen one before and, from their photos, I think they are just too cute.”

“Oh,” I said. Caught, I didn’t dare glance around as silence filled the bookshop. “Aye, that’d be fine. Just one person shouldn’t be much disruption to him.”

“Oh cool. That will give me something to look forward to after work. Now, let me just go grab some of those boxes of decorations.” Rosie disappeared into the back room and silence filled the shop. I turned and made a great show of zipping up my backpack, refusing to look at the Book Bitches.

“Say, Meredith, wasn’t it just yesterday that Alexander mentioned that nobody could come visit Tattie? That visitors would be too much excitement for the wee bird?”

“I believe it was, Esther. Just yesterday indeed. At the coffee shop.”

Bloody hell.

“I’m sure one person will be fine,” I hissed, keeping my voice low.

“So we can come by one at a time then?” Esther pressed.