“Of course, I’ll have you. Oh, this feels impossibly fast but also so right. Damn it, Fin. I love you so much.”

“I love you too and I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me for life.”

And then his lips were on mine and I sunk into the kiss, my heart thundering in my chest, as giddiness swept me away. When loud cheers broke out behind me, I pulled back, gasping to see my entire crew, along with Sophie, Shona, Agnes, Lia, Willow, Hilda, Archie, and their respective partners all lined up with balloons and flowers.

“Did she say yes?” Sophie shouted and I laughed.

“I wasn’t kissing the lass goodbye, was I now?”

“I hope not.”

Harris jumped up, tearing across the lawn, delighted to meet everyone and be free from the shelter. Never had I seen a happier dog, free from the burdens of his past.

Just as I was, now that I was starting my new life with Fin by my side. Turning, I grinned at him.

“You’re cleaning up his poop,” I said.

“Absolutely not.”

“We’ll take turns.”

“Nope, that wasn’t in the deal.”

“That’s all part of it.”

“Surely dogs only poop once a week.”

I burst out laughing, feeling a lightness that I hadn’t ever felt before, and for a brief moment my eyes caught on movement by the forest.

The Green Lady and Marie, walking side by side, smiles on their faces. Understanding dawned. The Green Lady had left me for someone who had needed her more. Tilting my head, I waved discreetly, and the Green Lady blew me a kiss before winking from sight.

I’d always wanted a dog.

I’d always wanted a partner.

And now I had both, because Fin got it.

He understood me. Which was incredible timing as I was just beginning to understand myself as well.

Most importantly, it seemed I’d finally found my way.



Iwas going to a party.

Somewhat in my honor, it seemed.

Ramsay Kilts was finished, my second crew putting in long hours to have it up and running ahead of schedule, and today they were hosting a grand opening party for the whole town. They told me I was the guest of honor, and Willow had even sent over an outfit, much to my chagrin.

“I’m scared to open it.”

I eyed the wardrobe bag that hung on the bathroom door.

We were at my place, as Finlay was still taking his time with getting his new house together, and we’d made a cozy space of it together. And I do mean cozy. Our bed barely fit us, let alone Harris, who once he’d spied my soft comforter had instantly decided that was his new favorite spot. Itdidn’t matter that I’d bought him a nice fluffy dog bed. Nope, he only slept in it when we hung out on the couch. But if we went to sleep? Well, he was coming with us. It had been an adjustment, to say the least, and some days I woke up spooning Harris, and others, I woke to find Fin’s arms wrapped around both me and the dog.

I loved every second of it.