“Aye, pizza.”
“Of course. Who doesn’t like pizza?”
“Perfect, I’m famished. Let’s go.”
“Wait, what? Where?” I gasped as Fin picked me up, still naked, and carried me toward the front door. “Fin! I’m naked.”
“Oh, right. Clothes would be good here. I’ve got a frozen pizza at home. I’ll meet you at yours in fifteen?”
I gaped at him, entirely unsure how to proceed.
“You want to come over and eat pizza? It’s eleven at night.”
“We’ll be asleep by midnight. Promise.”
He was sleeping over? Nerves shot through me.
“See you soon.” Fin pressed a kiss to my nose before Icould say anything else and disappeared out the front door, his shirt still in his hands.
What the hell? He’d just rocked my world and now we were going to eat pizza?
What was a woman supposed to do with a man like that?
Apparently, I was in a relationship now.
Or so Finlay kept reminding me.
Every time he snuck a kiss at work.
Every time he woke me, nuzzling into the back of my neck, his hard length pressing against me as he spooned me.
Every time he asked me a seemingly unrelated question, it pried a little bit more out of me about my past.
The man was unraveling me, a piece at a time, and if I wasn’t so besotted with him, I’d be rebuilding the walls he kept tearing down. The man was nothing if not persistent.
It had been three weeks since the night at his house when I’d fallen for him, though I hadn’t told him the depths of my emotions for him. Yet. The Green Lady kept reprimanding me to do so, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to tell Finlay that I loved him.
Which wasn’t fair.
He’d told me that he loved me, hadn’t he?
It had been in the simplest of moments—a sunny morning enjoying a quick cup of coffee at my small bistro table in my back garden. And he’d just said it.
Out loud.
And waited patiently, an understanding look in his eyes, when I’d fumbled my response, spilling coffee on myself instead of responding the same way. Since then, he repeated it to me often, and still I hadn’t worked the courage up to tell him how I truly felt. Finlay didn’t seem to mind, though I had to think it must bother him a bit. What man wouldn’t want his love reciprocated? Instead, I clammed up every time he said it, even though the words made my heart sing every time I heard them.
I’d never told anyone that I’d loved them before.
Even sweet Jacob, my best pal in the world, and Grandpa Lou, had never heard those words from me. We’d all seemed to understand our shared mutual feelings. Knowing that Finlay would be the first to hear them from me terrified me, because what would happen when he left?
Because everyone always did.