This is her happy place.
Another facet of Orla I hadn’t yet uncovered.
“Are you ready for chaos? It’s puppy playtime before we open for adoption. Helps get some of their energy out.” Orla looked me up and down and sniffed.
“What’s that look for?” I glanced down at my cuffed denims and polishedboots.
“You might get a bit dirty. Dogs are messy.” The way she said it was as if I couldn’t handle a few stray pieces of dog hair on my clothes.
“That’s just fine. These are comfy clothes.”
“Of course they are.” Orla rolled her eyes, and I shook my head at her, bemused.
“Why do you find that so hard to believe?”
“You’re just a bit posh, Finlay. Nothing wrong with that, but I’d just say thatyourwork clothes and mine are a touch different.”
I glanced between her worn clothes and mine and shrugged.
“I’m only half the time on-site. The rest I’m in an office. I think it’s called balance.”
“It’s okay to be posh, Fin.”
There it was again, my name shortened at her lips, and I warmed to the familiarity.
“I’m not posh.”
“Says the man with a gold watch on his wrist.”
“What’s wrong with my watch?” It had been a gift from my grandfather when I turned eighteen.
“Nothing at all.” Orla smirked, pursing her lips together.
I wanted to kiss her.
The thought struck, sucking the air from my body, and I instinctively leaned forward, closing the distance between us, all thought leaving my mind so focused was I on her lips.
Orla pushed the door open at her back, breaking the moment, and pandemonium greeted us.
Loud barks erupted at our entrance, and furry bodies flew everywhere, racing around the roomas we entered, and Orla quickly shut the door behind us. A girl, looking to be in her late teens, monitored the dogs from the far end of the room, and a laugh escaped me at the absolute chaos that greeted us.
Dogs of all sizes, shapes, and ages ranged across the floor. A few of the smaller ones chased each other in circles around the room, while three older dogs lay against the wall, observing the chaos. One dog, which looked to be a lab mix of sorts, with dark brown fur and a few grays on his snout, nudged a puppy gently that tumbled into his face.
“Who’s this guy?” I asked, deciding to start with the older dogs since the puppies were too chaotic to try and catch at the moment. Crouching next to the brown lab, I shifted so I could sit next to him and held my hand out gently, allowing him to sniff me first.
“This distinguished gentleman is named Harris, and I might just be in love.”
“Kicking those hunky highlanders to the curb already?” I couldn’t help but mention the strapping lads in the pub that, apparently, Orla had seen naked.
“They were never mine to keep.” Orla sighed dramatically and threw the back of her palm against her head before kissing the top of Harris’s head. “Harris is the only man for me.”
“You’re a lucky man, Harris.” I wanted to ask more about the men from yesterday but knew it wasn’t my place to do so. She had every right to a private life, didn’t she?
A grin flashed across Orla’s face before she buried her face in the dog’s neck, stroking his ears slightly.
“He’s just the best. Calm. Gentle. Loving. I hate that he’s in here.”
Her eyes were filled with adoration and the way the dog twisted to look up at her, swiping his tongue over her face, assured me this was a mutual adoration.