“I don’t think I could if I tried.”

Miss Elva quickly ran through a ritual of closing the circle, and then she squeezed my hand once more before stepping back.

“Your spirits here are strong. But the good are just as strong as the evil. Mither was surprisingly responsive. Which is good, seeing as how I’m starving. Rafe!” Miss Elva shouted, and Rafe appeared, hovering outside the doorway. “Let’s go eat.”

“Of course, my lovemountain. Anything for you, my beauty.”

“Do you want to join us?” Miss Elva asked, and even though my inclination was to decline, I was fascinated with this wayward traveler who had saved my life.

“Aye, I do.”

“Before we go…” Miss Elva handed me another pouch. “Nail this above the door. Have them keep it there if possible.”

“Nae bother.” Pulling out my hammer and a nail from my tool belt, I secured the pouch by the door frame, happy to help keep this building free of darkness.

I stopped.

A vine of gold leaves was etched in a circle around the base of the wood handle that hadn’t been there before. My eyes widened.

“Look at that. This is new.”

“Mmm, child. It certainly pretties it up, doesn’t it? I’d say the spirits are happy with your work.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Of course you did. I wouldn’t have been able to pull off that spell without your power. It’s rooted here, which is why Mither appeared so quickly. Don’t doubt your own magick.”

With those mind-blowing words, Miss Elva strolled out of the building, her caftan billowing in the wind.

“Oh, child? Where should we go for dinner?”

“Um, I’d recommend The Tipsy Thistle. I can meet you there. I’d just like to put some dry clothes on.” And feed Goldie.

She needed me. And even more surprising?

Perhaps Loren Brae needed me too.



Of courseFinlay had to be at the pub when I arrived. Not only had I embarrassed myself earlier by awkwardly punching him on the shoulder after the unicorn sighting, but I was still rattled by the experience at the Auld Mill. Frankly, it had taken all my energy to force myself to change into a pair of faded trousers and a loose gray jumper. I redid my braids, chatting to Goldie the whole time, and had given her a few extra flakes for dinner before forcing myself back out the door. The adrenaline spikes from a wild day had left me feeling drained and I wanted nothing more than to drop onto my bed and sleep for ten hours.

But I was curious about Miss Elva, and Rafehadsaved my life, so at the very least I could buy her dinner.

Two things I noticed immediately after registering Finlay’s presence: The first? Agnes was looking positivelyjoyful from where she sat at the bar. And the second? Graham looked decidedly grumpy, and I wondered what had set him off today. I followed his gaze to see Miss Elva holding court at a table by the fire, her entourage having donned T-shirts that fit like second skins in deference to the rules of being clothed at a pub.

They might as well have been naked for the thin cotton T-shirts showcased every last devastating inch of their muscular physiques and more than one woman was discreetly checking them out across the pub.

Much to Agnes’s delight, I could see, as I stopped by her chair.

“Have you seen the eye candy?” Agnes hissed, gripping my arm. I jerked lightly, but didn’t remove her hand, as her eyes were trained on the men across the room.

“Not only do I see them, but I also saw them with their shirts off earlier.”

Agnes gasped, turning to me.

“You saw them naked?”